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Affichage des résultats 181 à 210 sur 367
  1. #181
    une maj assez intéressante pour choisir la difficulté selon son style de jeu, possibilité de passer le tutorial correction de bugs etc du bon travail

  2. #182
    J'ai reçu un colis aujourd'hui, avec la boite du jeu et tout le merdier, bon ils se sont planté de masque dans le carton mais en fait celui que j'ai reçu est vraiment sympa donc je vais rien dire hein

  3. #183
    Lol oui ça devait bientôt arrivé en effet donc ça devrait pas tarder pour moi aussi donc !

  4. #184
    La mise à jour "Aftermath" est sortie.


    Added a new weapon, an assault rifle.
    Added a weapon upgrade system.
    Added a storage system for items in Player Base.
    Added 2 new craft tables. They can used to upgrade weapons.
    Assault rifle and ammunition for it can be created on crafting table.
    We have reworked quest "Meeting with Tarakan".


    We've added Czech and Ukrainian language support.
    New feature we added in recent weeks has been localized to all languages. If something is not working properly let us know.
    We corrected some disappearing lines that randomly could not appear during dialogue.


    Marker placed by player on the map should now work correctly.
    We've added descriptions that explain exactly what each difficulty setting is doing.
    Old hideout: Player should no longer fall below level when trying to use the staircase.


    We've fixed problems with reflections in the water.
    Scanner screen light should no longer illuminate everything in front of us.


    Muting the sound effects in the menu should now work properly with the sounds of a flashlight, film or scanner.
    Quest “Recruit Sashko” and “Mikhail in trouble” should now be sounded correctly.
    All takedowns should already be properly sounded.

  5. #185
    Bien comme maj un fusil d'assaut ça manquait

  6. #186

  7. #187

  8. #188
    Super nouvelle mais perso je vais attendre un peu + que ça évolue, car refaire à chaque fois c'est un peu chiant et ça risque de ne plus donner envie d'y revenir, le problème des EA quoi.

    EDIT : il y a même un mode freeplay qui va être mis ça c'est très bien aussi ! j'aime les décisions qu'ils prennent pour permettre à chacun de jouer à sa manière, ce même mode de jeu qui m'en rappelle un autre ou la promesse n'a jamais été tenue
    Dernière modification par neophus ; 18/12/2019 à 12h51.

  9. #189
    Des nouvelles des devs pour cette nouvelle année, en + des habituels corrections un nouveau personnage va faire son apparition ainsi qu'une refonte de l'interface, ils travaillent aussi beaucoup sur l'IA les combats et l'animation aussi

  10. #190
    Salut les coins coins,

    Dites, je sais que ça va paraitre con, mais vous l'avez reçue comment votre clé steam? Parce que j'ai kickstarté puis un peu oublié le tout par manque de temps. J'ai reçu le colis avec l'artbook, le masque à gaz, et tous les goodies en novembre, mais je me rends compte que je n'ai jamais reçu de clé steam qui va bien? Et du coup ça fait chier?

  11. #191
    Citation Envoyé par chenoir Voir le message
    Salut les coins coins,

    Dites, je sais que ça va paraitre con, mais vous l'avez reçue comment votre clé steam? Parce que j'ai kickstarté puis un peu oublié le tout par manque de temps. J'ai reçu le colis avec l'artbook, le masque à gaz, et tous les goodies en novembre, mais je me rends compte que je n'ai jamais reçu de clé steam qui va bien? Et du coup ça fait chier?
    J'ai reçu deux jours après la fin de la campagne (le 13 mai 2019) un mail de "Team Chernobylite" intitulé "Chernobylite Demo Access and Chernobyl VR Project Key!"
    Le titre est explicite.
    ça contenait la clé pour la démo qui s'est transformé en clé pour l'accès anticipé de Chernobylite.

  12. #192
    Citation Envoyé par chenoir Voir le message
    Salut les coins coins,

    Dites, je sais que ça va paraitre con, mais vous l'avez reçue comment votre clé steam? Parce que j'ai kickstarté puis un peu oublié le tout par manque de temps. J'ai reçu le colis avec l'artbook, le masque à gaz, et tous les goodies en novembre, mais je me rends compte que je n'ai jamais reçu de clé steam qui va bien? Et du coup ça fait chier?
    Citation Envoyé par loki111 Voir le message
    J'ai reçu deux jours après la fin de la campagne (le 13 mai 2019) un mail de "Team Chernobylite" intitulé "Chernobylite Demo Access and Chernobyl VR Project Key!"
    Le titre est explicite.
    ça contenait la clé pour la démo qui s'est transformé en clé pour l'accès anticipé de Chernobylite.
    Idem, peut etre passé par le spam. Si tu as pas dans tes mail le mieux est de contacter l'équipe de dev pour qu'il te le renvois.

  13. #193
    Merci, c'est ce que j'ai fait sur la page kickstarter, en espérant avoir une réponse sous peu.

  14. #194
    Mise à jour

    Chernobylite Rev 23213 Patch Change Log

    AI: Opponents should squat more often and use covers
    AI: Opponents fight a lot better in close range combat
    AI: Opponent's feet should adapt better to the ground
    Combat: Parameters of all weapons, enemies and upgrades have been balanced
    Psyche: Killing a lot of soldiers will have a negative impact on our psyche
    Psyche: A low level of psyche will put us in a state of psychosis. This element will be further developed.
    Feeding system: System is almost finished and should work much better than the previous one.

    Putting on a mask during rain should no longer cause crash
    We've repaired almost 120 smaller bugs. Thanks for reporting them!

    AMD has told us that drivers released at the beginning of the year should noticeably speed up the game. You can expect at least a few percent increase in performance. Remember to update your drivers!

  15. #195
    Bien, je devrais remettre les mains dessus d’ici quelques mois

  16. #196
    Mise à jour "Old Friend"


    Quests added:

    New quest
    Spoiler Alert!
    “Old Friend” (new chain - Georgiy)
    New quest
    Spoiler Alert!
    “Power Plant’s Plans” (part of Georgiy chain)
    New quest
    Spoiler Alert!
    “Secret Storage” (part of Olivier chain)
    New quest
    Spoiler Alert!
    “Hermit” (part of Mikhail chain)
    New quest
    Spoiler Alert!
    “Big Fish” (part of Mikhail chain)


    Events: Pripyat port has been filled with events.
    Events: Kopachi has been filled with events.
    Combat: Soldiers now fire more often. No-hit effects are visible in the environment.
    Spoiler Alert!
    Black Stalker
    can now be defeated in battle and driven out of the level.
    AI: Appearance of the
    Spoiler Alert!
    Black Stalker
    is also associated with time anomalies. Igor and Black Stalker move normally, and the rest of the world stops.
    Crafting: Added an Assault Rifle upgrade system.
    Crafting: Added a new crafting table. It can be used to upgrade the assault rifle.
    Difficulty: There will be far fewer opponents on easy and very easy mode. This should significantly facilitate the gameplay of those for whom Chernobylite was annoyingly difficult.
    A few lootable containers added on all levels.


    Fixed the Level of Details and stuck spots (Thanks to our Community from Steam forums for suggestions!).
    Fixed FOV values causing Shotgun and AK to look badly (Thanks to @Fathom from Steam forums).
    Fixed various bugs with Storage Units (Thanks to our Community from Steam forums for suggestions).


    The levels should load significantly faster.
    Time spent in Hawking Tunnels should be significantly reduced.
    We are currently working on optimizing the CPU. The overall game performance should be better.
    Problems with the Moscow Eye performance should be significantly reduced. The level can still have problems, but we're on track to fix them.

    Adrenaline Redesign

    Chernobylite from the beginning was to be a difficult game with elements that need to be repeated and mastered. Unfortunately, in some places of the game we have clearly exaggerated. Players often (also through no fault of their own, but due to EA errors) fail their mission, and are forced to perform it again, without the possibility of using alternative methods available only after the next pass. To limit this situation and make more players have access to new content, we modified the way adrenaline works. Now its use is not associated with mission failures, and additionally gives a special power-up that should help you get out of a difficult situation.

    Day limit

    Time loop in our game is very important - it allows you to make other choices in missions, unlock new companions, or discover new secrets by alternate memories. A small limit allows you to focus on the plot and quickly correct your mistakes. Bigger will let you focus more on survival and team. How to reconcile these two approaches? The easiest way is to give you a choice - now when starting a new game you can choose how many days a single time loop will take.
    Le jeu est en solde sur GoG à 17,49 €.

  17. #197
    Toujours un bon suivi sur le sujet et de bonnes améliorations ! bravo aux devs

  18. #198
    Nouvelle mise à jour
    We've added the save versioning system. Now you will be informed when save may not be compatible with the latest changes.
    We have added a popup that forces confirmation of the will to delete storage filled with items.

    Optimization of audio content has significantly reduced the size of the game. Build should weigh almost 2 GB less.
    Optimization of the CPU and many global settings should greatly increase the FPS of the game. Unfortunately, this was associated with the need to create settings again. If you have significantly modified the game settings (such as advanced graphics options or key mapping), then you will have to do it again.
    There have been problems with the Moscow Eye for a long time. This was our first level and object of many tests. To significantly increase its efficiency, we decided to build it again. Not everything is finished yet, some places may be bugged or look ugly, but the level itself works MUCH better than before. We will continue to work on improving its quality.

    Language version has been updated for: Hungarian, French, Turkish

    Starting mission should no longer have a problem with FPS drop
    Benchmark should now display the average frame rate correctly.
    Olivier should no longer stutter during the starting mission. At least he promised to improve very much.
    Mikhail should now appear correctly in the base after using "alternate memories"
    Quest markets should no longer break in free play mode
    Problem with the disappearing loot icon has been resolved
    We've improved resources that appeared off the map.
    Fixed an issue where soldiers sometimes walked in a very strange way.
    Gesture animations and idle animations have been improved for many. Much is yet to come ...

  19. #199
    Nouvelle mise à jour !

    Major Patch - Game Quality Improvement Pass 1

    We have significantly improved the appearance of the Main Menu. New version may have minor problems and bugs, but overall, it is close to its final form.
    In building and crafting menus we added information on whether and how many objects of the given type we have already built.
    We improved the appearance and lighting of the character. They should have more detail now.
    UI for investigation board has been improved graphically
    We've added support information that encourages you to address base issues before going to bed.
    We added 3 starting perks that tell you about Igor's skills at the beginning.
    Many people did not notice the tutorials, which later caused them problems and confusion with the game. Now pop-ups should be definitely more noticeable, although they still do not stop the game.
    We introduced a lot of improvements to Level Design related to Power Plant that should break the feeling of ubiquitous "invisible walls" a bit.
    We improved the quest draw system. Now, the ones associated with the plot should appear much more often.
    Many of you don't know that instead of dying while fighting soldiers, you can just give up and let them capture you. We added a tutorial on how to do it.
    We've revised some of the texts in the Journal to make them easier to understand. We are still working on its quality.
    In the Journal, new graphics to skills are added. Now everything should be much more pleasing to the eye.
    On the second loop of the game Olivier now gives Igor adrenaline. It should make the game easier for those who often die.
    Inventory quality of life improvement. You don't have to click on it to see the item description anymore, just move the cursor on it.
    We have optimized the operation of videos, we also discarded old prototypes. Thanks to this the build should be almost a gigabyte smaller.


    We added voice system to AI soldiers. Now they should respond verbally to the player's actions. This prototype may not work very well yet, and VOs are placeholders.
    The opponents should behave much better when player disappears from their view. They no longer use suicide rush and don't shoot everything around them blindly.
    We've improved the opponents' threat meter. Now opponents react more dynamically to his acquisition.
    The way soldiers aim for the player are more polished. Fighting with several soldiers should be a bit easier now.
    We eliminated a bug in the path system that caused frequent game crashes.


    The problem generating crashes in Free Play mode is fixed.
    We detected an error that caused some data to remain in memory despite starting a new game.It was probably responsible for all very rare and difficult replication errors, such as a broken radiation gate or a disappearing portal generator.
    The problem with objects jumping between storage should no longer occur. Only new storage will work properly! If you don't want to start a new game, then demolish the old and create a new one. Thanks to everyone who overwhelm us with all storage problems.
    The error that caused endless falling loop (occurs during takedown and low health animation) should not occur anymore.
    We have removed old prototype remains from the build menu
    We fixed some errors with inventory positioning. We also added signatures.
    During the "Meeting with Tarakan" quest, special effects should now activate correctly.
    Problem with the inability to interact with items, because the player is in combat, although all opponents are no longer alive, should no longer occur.
    Kopachi Vagabond event should no longer block the game.
    Dialog menu should no longer conflict with other interface elements.
    Chernobylite and Portal Generator now have final icons.
    The log now shows us the number of crafted ammo correctly.
    During training with Mikhail there were still remains from the first day on the level that made it difficult to focus on the task. Now, it’s fixed.

  20. #200

  21. #201

  22. #202
    Major Patch Game Quality Improvement Pass 3

    Major Patch - Game Quality Improvement Pass 3
    Level in virtual reality that appears after collecting the appropriate amount of evidence has been redone and pre-designated. This is our new, more narrative way.
    We introduced the first iteration of the gib system. Works only with soldiers. Combat should become a bit more spectacular.
    We've added new variants of soldiers that appear in later days and at higher difficulty levels. They are stronger and shoot more accurately.
    We've added a new, improved and faster revolver reload animation
    We have added a new, much nicer effect of going through portals.
    We've added map support for Red Forest.

    English VOs should now work correctly. They can be selected again in the main menu
    It should be possible to map arrows as movement keys. Greetings left-handed!
    Problem with the portal generator disappearing from the inventory should be finally solved.
    We've fixed a bug that caused enemies to shoot through trees and landscapes.
    Shouts of soldiers should not overlap so often anymore.
    Fixed bug where storages shared space between each other, thanks to @G4rr3tt and @Vostrikov from Steam forums.
    Fixed some minor bugs with weapon usage and Quick menu. Thanks to @Benbebop from steam forums for pointing them out.

    We've added translations to Czech, Polish, German, Russian and Hungarian in all recently added features and content updates
    COVID-19 is not stopping us!

  23. #203

  24. #204

  25. #205
    Bien sympa oui encore une fois ça évolue bien, je remettrais les mains dessus d'ici quelques mois je pense

  26. #206

  27. #207
    Mise à jour Players’ Feedback Pass 1 !


    The Fractal timeline has been added to the game. You can read more about it in the previous weekly report.
    All Igor's companions now have a "relationship factor" that changes it relation to the player’s decisions. This factor will be very important in the future.
    The "Old documents" quest now has a choice that affects companions and the game world.
    The "Meeting with Tarakan" quest now has additional consequences in "A few things from an old hideout" and has an influence on the game world.
    The "A few things from an old hideout" quest now has a choice that can affect your companions.
    The consequences of the decision from "Hacking into NAR servers" mission in "Mikhail in trouble" quest have been rebuilt in order not to be as unambiguously binary as before.
    The "Hermit" quest now has a choice that affects companions.
    The "Power plant’s plans" quest now has a choice that affects companions and the game world. Keep in mind that the prison is not finished yet, so the consequences of one of the choices may not be very clear at this time.
    The Level Selector has been heavily designed due to the feedback we received from players. There still may be small bugs that we'll fix in the following patches.
    Now our decisions and the flow of time affect how many and how well-trained soldiers we will meet. How angry they are at Igor can be seen from the base.
    Now while leaning, Igor will more realistically twist his weapon
    For people who do not like excessive brutality - Gore System can be turned off in the game menu.


    We've improved some of the Gore System components - blood should now display properly on different surfaces, and cardboard should look better
    Maps should now clearly indicate the area in which the player can move. They should also have more detail and be clearer.
    A lot of minor location corrections. Of course there are still a lot of mistakes and we will work on them.
    Fixed place where soldiers could shoot you through the walls (thanks to @ARcher and @nox from the Steam Forums)
    Fixed place where you could fall under the map on Kopachi (thanks to @hmasi and @SunBeam from Steam Forums)


    Opponents should notice Igor so easily when they find another soldier's body.
    Shot particle will no longer obstruct the entire screen when firing a rifle with a scope.
    During takedown, the soldier's threat indicator will no longer be visible.
    Now soldiers should correctly stop searching for a player when he disappears from their sight for a long time.

  28. #208
    Mega Patch #4 - “Web of Lies”

    Nouveaux niveaux, nouvelles quêtes, support de DirectX 12

    Content Additions:

    Added a new level: Pripyat Central. You will visit Lenin Square, the famous amusement park and several nearby buildings, such as Energetik or Polissya hotel
    Added a new level: Fractal World “Web of Lies”. It is the conclusion of a new investigation on the board.
    A new story character "Olga" has been added. Olga can be recruited to the base, sent on missions and learned new skills from her.
    New quest “Some excuses” (part of Georgiy chain).
    New quest “Hardware for real men” (part of Sashko chain).
    New quest “Checkpoint assault” (part of Sashko chain).
    New quest “A voice in the woods” (new chain - Olga).
    Red Forest has been filled with several new events

    Technology improvements:

    Chernobylite now supports DirectX 12. If you have a compatible graphics card, this should have a very positive effect on framerate. Especially AMD card users.
    Thanks to cooperation with AMD, we've added FidelityFX features to the game. Activating CAS should allow you to play at a lower resolution or lower "resolution scale" while maintaining very high image quality. You can also improve the quality of the game, with virtually no effect on performance. Try it, our testers are delighted! FidelityFX works on all graphics cards, regardless of the manufacturer.


    Many of you complain about the lack of VO in the game, which for financial reasons we are not recording right now. So we've added a system that replaces all missing VOs with a suitably processed and personalized voice creation, so that the dialogues are at least reasonably indicated. For people who do not speak Russian, at the same time using Russian VOs for the "climate" should be a quite optimal solution. The system can be turned off in options.
    We've improved MASS of things related to localization and UX, from interface to dialogs. Not everything is perfect yet, a lot of work ahead of us, but very many of you should feel a big improvement in this topic.
    You really liked the Gore system, so from now on it will also work on monsters. Enjoy tearing them to pieces.


    Death in prison should not cause you to lose all your equipment in the new game loop.
    Sashko should already train the player and start a conversation with Igor.
    Fixed exploit that allowed infinite use of specific items from Storage (Thanks for @Ne mutlu from Steam Forums)
    Fixed several collisions in first Fractal World (Thanks for @Ne mutlu from Steam Forums)

  29. #209

  30. #210
    Citation Envoyé par loki111 Voir le message
    Le jeu est en promo:
    Sur GoG, à 15 €.
    Sur Steam, à 14,99 €
    J'en ai profité pour l'acquérir à ce tarif.

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