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  1. #781
    Vraiment plaisantes, toutes ces cartes.

    Petite critique sur Entrench : on distingue plutôt mal le soldat en premier plan, le second plan est trop chargé et foncé, je pense.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  2. #782
    Très bonnes remarques Tchey, j'en prends note pour les retouches, merci.

    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  3. #783
    Excellent !! J'adore ces 4 dernières cartes. Ca donne bien envie de créer des Outposts gigantesques, et d'avoir une étrange garde personnelle technologique.

  4. #784
    Merci Kompre!

    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  5. #785
    Bravo Pymous, ne lâche pas ! On a envie d'utiliser tes cartes !
    Rien ne me choque moi, je suis un scientifique ! - I. Jones

  6. #786
    Ton travaille avec les couleurs récemment apporte quelque chose de très frais et intéressant.

    J’suis sûr qu’en cachette il a un deal avec Vic pour sortir son pack de carte en même temps que la version Steam, et récupérer une commission sur les ventes.
    Vu le jeu hyper-niche et le public Steam, c’est certainement le début d’une immense richesse.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  7. #787
    @Helix: merci!
    @Tchey: Ahah si seulement! Ce serait mon rêve de bosser en tant que graphiste/illustrateur pour ce type de jeux/projets, et de pouvoir en vivre. On attendant, j'ai la chance de ne pas manger des patates mais je continue de perdre mon temps dans ma vie quotidienne d'esclave moderne, comme presque tout le monde.
    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  8. #788
    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  9. #789
    Sortie de la version 1.05, avec mise à jour du système de logistique et du manuel.

    Changelog :

    Spoiler Alert!
    Changelog for 1.05 from 1.04:

    V1.05.00 – 29th July 2020

    • Pull Points added to the Logistics System
    • History Classes added to game Setup
    • Updated Manual (rules & grammar)

    Full Changelog

    • Mining Overview Report added *
    • Archeology Overview Report added *
    • Construction Overview Report added *
    • Name labels for lakes and seas are back (they disappeared somewhere during the patches) *
    • It is now possible to have a world where the survivors start with alien farming. But it should still be relatively rare. *
    • Fixed selling Pop to Slaver to properly pay you. *
    • Switched off Metrics as I have enough info gathered for now
    • Fixed a bug with disappearing Assets (due to AI code containing a bug and deleting the wrong ones)
    • Fixed issue with Asset Construction Dirt Road only going to closest Rail (without road). Will now be build all the way to the first road with Logistical Points
    • No longer allowing you to build Wind Traps if rain scarcity is level 4 (no water at all in atmos)
    • Fixed an issue with SHQ Troops disappearing if insufficient LIS points to Raise Formation
    • Changing Quality Levels for OHQ in Model Management Tab will now also make all subordinate Units to that OHQ compliant to that setting.
    • Suitability rating was still wrong in the bottom part of the UI for the Commander. (OHQ & SHQ mixed up)
    • Some textual fixes
    • No longer possible to transfer zero weight items between SHQs if 0 Logistical Points on trajectory.
    • Public Production Penalty applied to production that produces feeble quantity and thus suffers much larger penalty due to rounding up or down errors gets randomized chance if penalty is applied or not.
    • Fixed a silent crash (no error message) with round 440 game
    • Fixed a crash with beta9 related to the logistics calculations
    • Slaver event and choosing declare war will now actually declare war *
    • AI Regime Feats now go with the same rules as for the human player. Including the minimum number of rounds you’ll have to wait before having a chance to get the Regime Feat.
    • Games started with Beta10 will NO longer have the stop-at-next-Logistical Asset rule from Beta9. Instead of stopping the spread of their Logistical Points they’ll be REFOCUSED at the next Logistical Asset. This Logistical Refocusing will diminish their Logistical Points but reset their APused to 0. Formula is refocused Logistical Points are diminished with currently used AP / maximum AP range and for the 1st refocus with a further 25% , for the second refocus with 50% and for the third and final refocus with 75%. This way there is less depleted runners on the map (good for pull) and it is still possible to have overlap (good for ease of play and realism).
    • Pull Points algorithm now first considers the possible reach of your Logistical Assets before choosing trajectories from the Hex with the Pull Points to its SHQ (or Zone City in case of Assets).
    • Fixed still buggy Asset Pull Points causing too high demands by faulty addition.
    • Fixed an issue with Unit Pull Points as well.
    • Lot of sweat and effort with plenty of pesky Logistical details to get it as good as possible
    • In order to get the Logistics system more comprehensible I added a rule change. Once a runner from one logistical Assets encounters another logistical Asset it stops there. This is the only sane way to avoid the big majority (almost total) of the problem cases where a runner from a far away Asset would remove Pull Points that would cause a more nearby Asset to not use them. Furthermore it makes the network more comprehensible as there is less runners per hex in large networks now. * (requires new game start with beta9 for not to disrupt older games in progress)
    • Units pick up supply as far downstream the Logistics network as possible now as long as pickup will still be at 100%
    • Fixed a bug in the Preview mode when switching between Preview Asset and general Preview related to rail.
    • Fixed QOL Bonus which was applied double the stated value
    • Fixed a crash found in a round 400+ game
    • Several smaller textual and typo fixes
    • Fixed Raise Formation problems notably when SHQ Troops were involved.
    • Fixed issue with Alien crops temperature rules, which was buggy especially with below zero temperature plant life. *
    • Added an Alien Crops details report in the Help Subtab of the Reps Tab detailing its temperature tolerances. *
    • Fixed bug where you could build another Asset of same kind in the same Hex as one that was delegated.
    • Fixed a bug caused with v.104-beta6 where using Violent history could cause human player to be set to an AI Culture Group. It breaks some events that place Units. *
    • The combination of Siwa class + Alien Life History Class was causing bad atmospheres and high biohazard levels (DasTactics). Is fixed now.
    • Fixed a glitch in the Pull Logistics with to much Pull Points being requested in some directions (caused by Asset Pull overdoing preserving existing points on trajectory)
    • Fixed Spotters Unit Feat… It now actually will work only with artillery instead of only with infantry. *
    • Fixed another disappearing sidebars issue when you pressed “No more orders” for a New Model Decision.
    • No longer showing agricultural fields during Colonization Planet generation phase if Domed Farms are used
    • Added code to put back those Leaders not KIA with their HQ destruction in the Reserve Pool.
    • Auto-MG Formation now available without need for the Tech Robotic Infantry *
    • Fixed a glitch with Faction having a shifting Profile
    • Fixed still missing robotic infantry graphic (double check this time) *
    • Fixed issue with Replacements not being returned to SHQ
    • Should more often have Siwa class Planets with no RHL. (perfect atmosphere for humans)
    • Logistics: No more branching increase if pull goes in single direction on a road fork.
    • Rail and Truck Traffic Sign will not stop Logistics Points running towards Pull Points anymore. Pull Traffic Signs will.
    • Fixed double food consumption glitch caused in beta6
    • Fixed an issue with Logistics where auto Pull Points from Cities were higher (and correct) with Preview than in actual execution at start of turn.
    • Fixed 0 hp with immobile models (auto-MG / auto-Turret) (requires making new Model to go in effect)
    • Bazooka Model is available without RPG Tech now
    • Fixed issue with “Haven of Peace” and Farmer regimes without Cities appearing.
    • Big one. Added History Classes to Planet Generation to allow players some variants to regular Planet Generation. Many options to explore here.
    • Model development costs no longer takes into account unfinished Models
    • Opened up REPLACE troops in a SHQ as well now
    • Repaired The Hero of the Nation Stratagem *
    • Fixed Bureaucratic Bonus not being applied to BP production *
    • Fixed a number of small glitches with Logistics
    • Fixed effect of Accomplished Envoys, Martial Tournaments and Administrative Competence
    • The Public Production penalty reverting to either 50% or 0% now is only used for Assets in construction.
    • Fixed a graphic glitch with right bar reappearing when Tabs open in very low resolution screen (that should hide the right tab to make place for the Tab itself)
    • Added a 75% DPI mode that simulates having a larger screen. Obviously at the cost of some render speed and graphic fidelity, but it might be useful to some low resolution screen players.
    • Fixed a possible glitch in Raise Formation quality levels not initially selected
    • Fixed some mouse overs there too
    • In higher difficulty levels Minors do not have the AI combat bonus against a Major AI.
    • Radiation symbols on map are now coloured. Green = RAD level 1 or 2. Yellow = RAD level 3 = Blue = RAD level 4, Pink = RAD Level 5 Light Red, RAD Level 6 Heavy Red = RAD level 7 or higher.
    • Sealed Road construction over existing Dirt Road now only 60% of the cost.
    • Rail next to existing Road or Road next to existing Rail only 50% of the cost.
    • Stopped normal Minor Militia spawning on a Hex that they cannot move out off (was notably issue with Minors without city on high mountain planets) *
    • Rare case, but still: Xeno- Farming with plants with non Water solvent will not require water to farm now.
    • Soil Demetalization Facility will now also produce some Radioactives Items.
    • Also fixed Alien Plants ideal temperatures calculation if using a different solvent than water.
    • The Pull trajectory to its source now only uses Traffic Signs that apply for pull.
    • Hero of the Nation cannot be played again on same Leader
    • Improved mouse-overs for SHQ Inventory better showing if there would have been a shortage for delivery of Item to Units
    • Fixed issues with the penalty on AP or combat if low on Fuel or Ammo
    • Public Production Penalty % below 50% now gets a roll where the effect is upped to 50% penalty for an Asset if you roll 1d50 below or equal to the Production %, if you roll above 0% penalty is applied.
    • Cycling Units no longer includes Units that maybe didn’t move or attack but which have 0 AP.
    • Added WHY remarks to the Unit Supply sub-Tab for Unit having less Supply than requested. Possible reasons that will be mentioned: Pickup-Point to far away, Not enough LP on road between pick-up point and SHQ, Not enough Items in SHQ inventory, SHQ Logistical point use limit reached.
    • Added Color codes to the Unit Supply sub-Tab button now shows the % of of requests that was delivered. White = 100%, Greenish >=75% , Yellow >= 50%, Blue=> 25%, Red < 25%. To give a quick signal that even though the Unit might have had 100% present of what it needed to consume there
    • Fixed issue with Custom Pull Points not working if Automatic Points disabled
    • Limit Production now also limits Asset auto Pull Points.
    • Fixed issue with Auto Asset Pull Points not taking branching into account
    • Added the option to distinguish between Additive Custom Pull Points and Overruling Pull Points.
    • Added the option to set a Hex-based order if the Traffic Signs apply to Truck Logistics, Rail Logistics or Pull Points (or a combination)
    • Fixed a glitch with the Suitability Rating for SHQ Commanders in the bottom part of the interface
    • Fixed problem with Logistical Bonus not being applied to Asset Production
    • Fixed a glitch with setting the age when rolling Leaders
    • Should have improved rare issue where map wouldnt be able to scroll completely visible to the bottom
    • Fixed intermittent crash with Mystic Priest in combat
    • Reduced Corporate anti-crime taking Credits from godfather a bit
    • Made efficiency of anti-crime ops from Corporate depended on the percentage of control they have over the private economy
    • Fixed at least partially, but probably completely, the disappearing sidebars issue if click on a popup opening element in the Reports or Decision tab.
    • Victory is now declared if you have more than 50 Victory Score and 2nd place has at least 25 Victory Score less than you. Is now in line with manual as well.
    • With Raise Formation and using SHQ Troops the Popup is now showing ITEM% and TROOP% as the percentage of the total Formation you can raise, either by using pre-produced SHQ Troops or by newly constructed (or a mix). This way you are not blocked raising a Formation if you have for example no Items but 50% of Troops already in SHQ.
    • Board Member Stratagems can now also be played on the Director executing them *
    • Upped Rain mm limit for receiving free Ice Mine on higher development levels
    • Fixed a faulty mixup with a Corporate CEO “leaving you” which is not possible (but harmless glitch)
    • Thanks for all the feedback.
    • Wanted to make two points.
    • First the system has not been simplified, just an extra tool to manage it has been added to the toolbox. If you want you can play the game exactly the same as before the Pull Points were added to the toolbox by just not using the “Pull Points tool”.
    • Secondly I gave it a lot of thought and I concluded (for now) the Traffic lights system and the Pull Points should be interconnected and NOT be presented as two separate systems. This will lead to less confusion and Players can always choose to use only one or only the other or choose to mix them. I just feel it is more coherent like this.
    • Traffic Signs now also affect the Pull Point trajectories
    • Some other minor nerfs to Pull Points
    • Trains now spread LP before Trucks
    • Fixed glitch with to many Logistical Points being sent towards Pull Points (first bug that got reported)
    • Asset Pull Points are now only applied to the trajectory if current Pull already applied is below what they need
    • City Pull is now [ previous turn pickup request ] + [ current predicted delivery to zone request ]
    • The event where you got Free Folk or Adventurers on a distant Hex will now be made less distant if possible. Remember it is always possible to refuse to take this choice. Also will try to avoid to close ones. But it will not always be possible due to the randomness of the map.
    • Made some small fixes to Dissolution War calculations to make the numbers add up better. However do not forget that over hundred of years many children are born as well, total casualties can be higher than the initial population. *
    • Minors with a City now start with a Private Truck Station. Which will help you when taking over a Minor. *
    • Fixed Item % (and Troop%) preview calculations in Raise Formation popups.
    • Fixed coding present in some messages in the decision archive (from next round forward)
    • Fixed a history map glitch after you conquered a Zone
    • Fixed minimap in history map not working well (or with delay causing artifacts)
    • Fixed some other minor map glitches in history mode as well
    • Blocked clicking on enemy hex in the combat selection popup
    • Fixed a -1 glitch in Treasure Found text
    • Fixed glitch with Slave Trader not paying up *
    • Mystic Priest Unit Feat fixed.. Will now have salvage effect with KILLS *
    • Policy Speech, Faction Candidate and Faction Demand not clicking anything and ending turn is no longer possible *
    • Fixed Storm Grenadier OOBs (they are Inf + Art + Pz) *
    • Fixed a code showing in text issue for decisions with Unrest/Danger… *
    • Increased randomness for Stratagems given by Factions
    • Added Pull Point systems for the Logistics
    • You need to start a new game with this beta2 to try them out (wanted to minimize risk to disrupt running games)
    • By default automatic Asset, Unit and City Pull Points are used. You can however switch these automatic points off in the Traffic Signs Popup
    • You can place Custom Pull Points on any Hex you like and they will be added to any automatic Pull Points
    • Hexes with Pull Points trace a path to either their City (Assets) or to their SHQ (Units, Cities)
    • These paths will favor roads without traffic signs leading to them (so for some edge cases you can discourage use of a certain road)
    • When Logistic Points find a branch in the Road they’ll first serve any Pull points that have been traced to their City/SHQ through that branch
    • The Pull systems is logged and can be studied in the Logs of the Traffic Signs Popup
    • On map in current LP view only the Custom Pull Points are shown in green.
    • On map in history LP view the Pull Points used at start of turn calculations are shown in gray.
    • On map in preview LP view the Pull Points as they’ll probably be automatically placed + your Custom Pull Points are shown in pink.
    • On top of the Hex total Pull Point info block is shown a small red bar if Asset Pull Points are present, green if Unit Pull Points are present and blue if City Pull Points are present and black if Custom Pull Points are present.
    • The City Pull Points are based on previous turn delivery requests + pickup requests
    • The Unit Pull Points are based on the weight in supply they’ll request
    • The Asset Pull Points are based on the minimal logistics points needed for them to operate without penalty
    • You can also place a Custom Pull BLOCK on a Hex which nullifies any automatic requests of that Hex.
    • This will require some fine tuning.
    • Field Training Stratagem will now only be played if little enemies around.
    • Added rules to not allow random event based gifting of Methane Synthesis, Deep Core Mining and Water Atmospheric Recomposition if the Planet does not have the right variables.
    • Added protection code for Assets being placed without road connection at game start
    • Fixed a Stratagem mouse over inconsistency on who’s going to execute the Stratagem
    • Fixed 3rd party Leaders founding new Factions and some other related minor glitches with those kind (and dead/left leaders)
    • Changed the way Supply Bases are giving extension. They now only give extension points upto the point normal action points have already been used. This makes them function as actually intended. Will only be in effect with games started with v1.04-beta1 *
    • The calibre and weapon matrices were not being implemented as combat modifiers. Major oversight indeed. They will from this version on forward. Be careful when continuing with this beta as it might change the odds in your favor or disadvantage in especially mid to late game.
    • Tuned the soldiers losses where they had the upper hand in event-based fighting.
    • In event-based fighting with troops and security staff the Security Assets can now also lose levels.
    • Hurting the Syndicate in a specific Zone by attacking them and causing them to be reduced to close to 0 crews will now mean their hidden bases have also been dismantled and it will cause a big cut in the capital of the syndicate. *
    • Fixed mouse over. Algae vats do not profit from cross-fertilization.*
    • Fixed 0 key for Guard, if not yet pressed 8 or 9.
    • Fixed some small glitches
    • Fixed a bug where Food delivered by Militia to Zone inventory was reported as given, but where it actually was not being added
    • Fixed a minor glitch where the Recruits + Colonists transferred from Zone to SHQ where being fed in Zone and after transfer in their SHQ as well. Now they will only be fed in SHQ.
    • You can now pass to the 2nd Raise Formation window even if you do not have the PP available for raising the Formation (for inspection purposes)
    • Major Regime without Zones or Units is now put to sleep (in future version I want rebels to be able to revive a Major Regime) and relations with Minors reset (so some blockages for minor diplomatics are removed concerning this major). Also it is removed from the S.MAP regime list if no hexes left on map and from TARGET STRATAGEM tab if asleep.
    • And Majors without Zones will be removed from the Regimes Reports.*
    • Added a cap to Incr Sales Tax, inc Income Tax, Incr Import Tariff, Incr Export Tariff stratagems. Max tax is 100%.
    • Buggy maximum 50mm armour now *
    • Increased Buggy size from 2 to 3 to make cost for armour go up a bit *
    • “Loyal AI” no longer going to emergency hostility if getting close to losing the game
    • No longer losing Stratagems in some cases with dip/spy stratagems where you lost the previous level of the stratagem and that caused a higher level to disappear.
    • Natural relation point Job Prestige factor less depended on Ambition now
    Rien ne me choque moi, je suis un scientifique ! - I. Jones

  10. #790

    J'attendais le patch pour me relancer une grosse partie.

  11. #791
    Yep, la même pour moi
    Rien ne me choque moi, je suis un scientifique ! - I. Jones

  12. #792
    Et pareil ici ! Je teste ça demain ou après-demain.
    Toute ma vie je n'ai vu que des temps troublés, d'extrêmes déchirements dans la société et d'immenses destructions ; j'ai pris part à ces troubles.

  13. #793
    Ca faisait longtemps:

    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  14. #794
    J’attends le pack complet de Pymous pour m’y remettre, ce qui viendra probablement en même temps que la sortie sur Steam et la mise à jour maritime, ce qui mènera à de nouvelles cartes, ce qui repoussera la sortie du pack de Pymous, ce qui... Ah...
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  15. #795
    Moi je me suis commencé une partie en tant que dictature communiste (Gouvernement / Autocracy / Fist). Ben c'est dur de ne pas compter sur le privé. Surtout que la carte n'aide pas, en voisin je n'ai que des majeurs ou des territoires sauvages... Dur de monter en puissance...

  16. #796
    Est-ce que vous savez comment faire pour passer d'une brigade à un corps à un groupe d'unités déjà recrutées? J'ai recruter un groupe de 5 corps avec leur QG mais en fait ils me coûtent trop chère en nourriture (et j'en ai pas vraiment besoin étant en début de partie) donc je voudrait les rétrograder en brigade sans devoir recruter "depuis zéro" .

  17. #797
    Une image valant mieux qu'un long discours :

  18. #798
    Citation Envoyé par Enyss Voir le message
    Une image valant mieux qu'un long discours :
    Merci, je ne me rappelai plus de ce menu ^^

    Sinon je suis sur une carte avec un terrain étrange:

    Vous pensez que c'est quoi les traits noirs: des fleuves, des coulées d'étoiles ^^ ?

  19. #799
    Pourquoi pas des failles dans le sol ?

  20. #800

  21. #801
    un astéroide éclaté ? la face intérieure d'une sphère creuse à soleil central, elle aussi fissurée ?

  22. #802
    Les textures en question sont dans un dossier nommé canyon (graphics/shadowBIG/canyon)

  23. #803
    Pourquoi diable ces fissures présentent-elles un aspect noir à paillettes blanches, du coup?
    Citation Envoyé par Nasma Voir le message
    Bon normalement il devrait n'y avoir personne mais ce n'est pas l'absence de cible qui va nous empêcher de tirer.

  24. #804
    C’est des pitits flocons trop mignons
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  25. #805
    Je continue mon chemin de croix. Plus qu'une 144...

    Illustrateur Freelance & Mod Maker (Skyrim Immersive Settlements | Dominons 5 maps | Shadow Empire: Artpack)
    Envie de me soutenir? Offrez-moi un p'tit café!

  26. #806
    En tout cas, je n'aurai que deux mots pour décrire tes cartes : Elles déchirent !

    Tu veux pas nous faire une release partielle...

  27. #807
    Quelqu’un suit les activités autour du jeu ?
    On sait si la version Steam arrive "bientôt" ?

    Et Pymous, es-tu toujours dans tes gribouillages ?
    Quand penses-tu pouvoir partager tes œuvres ?
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  28. #808
    Le jeu sortira sur Steam le 3 décembre.

    Le développeur a parlé d'une grosse mise à jour en préparation aussi, mais sans donner de dates ni de détails.
    Toute ma vie je n'ai vu que des temps troublés, d'extrêmes déchirements dans la société et d'immenses destructions ; j'ai pris part à ces troubles.

  29. #809
    Dans la béta 10 du jeu, c'est finalement les forces ...... aériennes qui sont ajoutées:
    (on en est actuellement à la beta 12, j'ai pas encore testé).

    Et les forces navales semble prévues en 2021:

  30. #810
    Ah !

    Quels sont les mécaniques de jeu de l’aviation du coup ?

    J’attends la version Steam pour m’y remettre, en espérant que Proton face le job pour lancer l’engin sur Linux PC.
    Je n’ai pas suivi les dernières mises à jour.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

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