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  1. #91

  2. #92

  3. #93
    Citation Envoyé par Zzebra Voir le message
    J'ai découvert cette bestiole hier, elle est cool <3 comme ta vidéo bb <3

  4. #94
    Citation Envoyé par KiwiX Voir le message
    J'ai découvert cette bestiole hier, elle est cool <3 comme ta vidéo bb <3
    bébé >3

  5. #95

  6. #96
    Oh ce démembrement. On dirait du BF mais pour hommes.

  7. #97

  8. #98
    il est mou ce forum ^^ !

  9. #99
    Citation Envoyé par crystal joacx Voir le message
    il est mou ce forum ^^ !

  10. #100
    J'ai tenté de m'inscrire en classé hier, on était 3 en attente, lol..

  11. #101
    Citation Envoyé par KiwiX Voir le message
    Traduction ... Je comprends pas désolé.

  12. #102
    Ca manquai déjà de subtilité, alors tant pis,

    COMME TA BITE qu'il dit le monsieur.

  13. #103
    Citation Envoyé par Sorkar Voir le message
    Ca manquai déjà de subtilité, alors tant pis,

    COMME TA BITE qu'il dit le monsieur.

    Merci! J'étais chauve maintenant impuissant. C'est génial le troisième âge !

  14. #104
    J'alimenterai bien le topic avec quelques séquences vidéos à la con mais j'ai eu quelques imprévus. Et en plus, on a un peu fait le tour de la bêta (80h ), j'attends un patch ou deux un peu vénère pour m'y remettre.

  15. #105
    Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles.

    Our next update is planned for the end of October and we aim to include the following:
    - Migration to Unreal Engine 4.20
    - A new urban map called ‘Precinct’
    - Community dedicated servers and an improved server browser.
    - Improvements to the low-quality scope option.
    - A new tattoo cosmetic option, with more varieties to come.
    - Additional Anti-Aliasing and graphics options
    - Improved character models and animations, including caching of cosmetic items to increase performance, higher quality textures, and proportion adjustments. We will be making further improvements to characters after this update as well.
    - Numerous gameplay tweaks to movement speed, weapon mechanics, armour, fire support, map layouts, and hundreds of bug fixes and improvements.
    En résumé :
    - Grosse MAJ pour fin octobre > UE4 toujours mais on passe de la 4.19 à la 4.20
    - Les retours des utilisateurs ont été pris en compte et donc ça sera plus mieux (les textures, les perfs, le gameplay...)
    - Réinitialisation des statistiques confirmées à la sortie (on s'en doutait)
    - Un tatouage exclusif pour les beta-testeurs
    - Beaucoup plus de suivi suite à la grosse MAJ avec de nombreux patchs à la clé (avant la sortie, toujours prévue le 12 décembre 2018)

  16. #106
    Vivement la MAJ, ca va donner un nouveau souffle a la beta de ce super jeu !
    Node 304 / Core i5 7600 / GTX 1060 6GB

  17. #107

  18. #108
    La grosse update sera pour le 8 novembre et non pas fin octobre :

  19. #109
    Elle a eu lieue cette maj au fait ? J'ai pas le jeu d'installé là.

  20. #110
    Oui, ce matin. pas testé cela dit.

  21. #111
    Personne a eu des retours sur cette maj ?

  22. #112
    J’essaie ce soir. J’espère qu'ils ont réduit l'effet de suppression qui est un poil..... exagéré

  23. #113
    De bon matin, j'ai testé l'update.

    - Sur ma vieille bécane croulante (GTX970, 12GB RAM, i5 760), ça tourne mieux et avec des choses plus jolies à l’œil. Faut toujours tweaker derrière (le motion blur à virer d'office) mais y a du mieux côté perfs, clairement.

    Modifications maps
    - Quelques changements comme les emplacements de caisses de munitions, virer quelques cover un peu craquées, ce genre de trucs.
    - Refinery est de retour et c'est violent, on se fait désosser dès le 1er checkpoint :D

    - On peut personnaliser les couleurs des icônes du hud par rapport aux amis/ennemis et du coup, on gagne légèrement en visibilité.

    Globalement, il y a du mieux mais il va falloir encore bosser et rajouter masse de contenus si ils veulent attirer un peu plus de monde. En un peu plus d'un mois, on voit qu'ils ont quand même mis un bon coup de polish sur le jeu donc j'espère que durant le mois restant, on aura le droit à de nouvelles choses à se mettre sous la dent.

    J'en profite pour rajouter le patch note :

    Hello everyone. Today we are releasing a hotfix to address some of the issues and respond to some of the initial feedback from yesterday’s major update. We plan to continue monitoring feedback through the weekend, and will likely release another patch some time next week.

    We are aware of a crash some people are experiencing on startup, which has a fairly easy fix for it. If you are experiencing this crash, try the following:
    First, navigate to: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Insurgency\Saved\Config\WindowsClie nt
    Then delete the following file: GameUserSettings.ini
    The file will be recreated when you next start the game.

    We hope everyone enjoys playing over the weekend, and we look forward to joining you on the servers!

    New Features
    Settings Menu
    Added SMAA T2x Anti-aliasing option to the setting menu and re-enabled TAA sharpening.

    Gameplay Improvements
    Player Movement
    Adjusted the Aim Down Sights speed when coming out of a sprint so it now factors in weight instead of just being a fixed delay.

    User Experience Improvements
    Server Admin
    Added quality of life improvements
    Admin list/map cyle setup has been simplified and placed into their own text files.
    Admin kick exemption (team kills/idle).
    Ability to disable idle kicks by setting the value to 0.
    Server hostname can be up to 63 characters in length rather than 30.
    travelscenario command should now work without having to put the full path to the scenario asset.

    Visual Improvements
    Added new Main Menu idle animations.
    Added new Loadout menu animations.

    AI Improvements
    Reduced bot respawn pool from 100% to 60-80% of the total player count.
    Fixed an issue where AI vehicle insertion drivers were invisible during Checkpoint.
    Fixed bots always trying to utilize vehicle turrets and ignoring any AI deaths while doing so.

    Stability Fixes
    Fixed a crash that could occur on map change.
    Fixed a crash with Rcon when sending a multipacket response.
    Fixed a crash caused by color bindings.

    Bug Fixes
    Fixed an issue with VoIP when playing on matchmaking servers.

    Fixed an issue with the HUD chat element not automatically focusing input from the keyboard without having to be clicked on first.
    Fixed a bug preventing the admin menu from being accessible in local play.
    Fixed an issue where if you were a spectator while in the Loadout menu and you clicked confirm, it would not put you back into the spectating state.
    Fixed an issue where chosen colour presets would not be saved between sessions.

    Fixed an issue with arm textures forcing them to be discolored under certain lighting.
    Player ragdolls are no longer invisible when killed inside a vehicle.
    Added mipmaps and streaming settings to certain character textures.

    Fixed an issue where incorrect equip times were being used. This led to items such as grenades not being throwable as soon as they should be.
    Fixed an issue for ammunition not showing for grenade launchers.
    Fixed an issue where grenades were missing animations when inside a restricted area.
    Fixed an issue with the AKM and SVD world models having some missing geometry.
    Fixed and issue where the Molotov lighter was not showing and the special idle animations were not getting interrupted.

    Fire Support
    Fixed an issue with Bomber Drones floating through walls.

    Fixed an issue where the Covered hair cosmetic was the only female hair option shown when previewing.

    Map Balance & Fixes
    Fixed an issue with the playable area on Checkpoint, Push and Skirmish.
    Fixed painted foliage and rocks from popping into view.
    Added more HLODs.
    Increased culling distance slightly.
    Fixed light casting issues on certain meshes and terrain.
    Added more protection from rockets shot over long distances in Skirmish.
    Expanded the D capture zone to both floors in Skirmish.
    Included the balcony at C capture zone in Push Security.
    Removed broken manhole mesh.
    Rebuilt navigation.

    Potential fix for players spawning on top of each other in Firefight East.

    Known Issues
    The weapon ready animation when spawning in doesn't finish playing.
    Magazine will disappear on a weapon in first person view when you switch to an under barrel grenade launcher.
    Gas Masks don't show on characters who have equipped them.
    If using super-sampling zoom scopes will be rendered black
    When a player is ejected from a vehicle after being killed, their ragdoll will disappear.
    Dernière modification par KiwiX ; 10/11/2018 à 10h02.

  24. #114
    On sent toujours un grand jeu miné par une multitudes de problèmes techniques.

    On sait qu'ils vont dans le bon sens et qu'il faut être patient, mais pour les non connaisseurs et ceux qui ne suivent pas trop NWI, je me demande ce qu'ils doivent penser du jeu...

    J'ai quand même peur pour l'état de la release dans un mois. Ça me parait invraisemblable ! Dans six mois peut-être...

    Du coup j'ai aussi peur pour NWI qui est un studio que j'adore et ça me ferait chier qu'ils se plombent avec ce jeu.

    Car pour les fans encore ça peut passer vu qu'on connait le potentiel du studio, mais comment attirer de nouveaux joueurs et faire grandir et prospérer ta licence si tu n'as pas au moins un jeu "propre" à sa sortie.

    Je vois mal des gens ne connaissant pas Insurgency, DoI, s’infliger ça alors que tu peux trouver un milliers de fps multi générique qui fonctionnent à merveille.

    Je ne suis pas entrain de dire qu'ils faut absolument des millions de joueurs pour s'amuser (ils n'ont jamais eu une grosse communauté) mais j'aurais espérer qu'avec le talent qu'il existe dans ce studio (autre que le talent technique apparemment lul) ils puissent évoluer et sortir un peu de l'anonymat, car Insurgency sa déchire sa maman !

  25. #115
    Ah mince, ils ont réduit le nombre de bots ?

  26. #116
    Ceci n'est pas un Pseudo. C'est un avertissement. Avatar de --Lourd--
    Non mais ils sont putain de balèzes maintenant, trop même.

  27. #117
    Un revenant

    J’ai fait rapidement une partie donc je n’ai pas encore vu la différence. Ils sont plus forts car ils visent mieux ? Je préférerais qu’ils soient plus malins et utilisent mieux les grenades, flash et lance-rouettes. Au moins c’est plus rigolo.

  28. #118
    Citation Envoyé par --Lourd-- Voir le message
    Non mais ils sont putain de balèzes maintenant, trop même.
    Ce sera jamais pire que les Scav de Tarkov, enfin j'espère .

  29. #119
    Citation Envoyé par Frypolar Voir le message
    Un revenant

    J’ai fait rapidement une partie donc je n’ai pas encore vu la différence. Ils sont plus forts car ils visent mieux ? Je préférerais qu’ils soient plus malins et utilisent mieux les grenades, flash et lance-rouettes. Au moins c’est plus rigolo.
    Bah disons qu'ils sont vachement plus précis sur les grenades et que tu te fais blaster à l'ancienne. Perso, ça me va même si ça paraît un peu injuste parfois tellement ils sont capables de te refaire le cul mais au moins, on s'ennuie pas.

    Sinon, une nouvelle MAJ en ce mercredi 14 novembre, un peu moins de 800Mb :

    Hello everyone. Today we are releasing a patch to address some issues and respond to some of the feedback from last week’s major update. We hope everyone enjoys the changes, and we look forward to joining you on the servers!

    Stability Fixes
    Added potential fix for “Kicked from server: host closed the connection” issue that some players are facing related to Steam Authentication.
    Fixed a potential startup crash.

    Changed the default scope setting to use a traditional zoomed in scope view which has better performance. Players may still select the realistic “Picture-in-picture” scope option if they prefer.
    Ragdolls now enter a sleep mode when they’ve become inactive, so they will no longer simulate client-side physics when nothing is happening to them.
    Reduced appropriate weapon textures from 4k to 2k resolution including M45, L106A1, Tariq, MP7, Uzi and vehicle mines.
    Optimized texture streaming for some particle textures.

    Bug Fixes
    Fixed an issue with bots spawning inside vehicles during Checkpoint that were intended for the human team.
    Fixed an issue where bots firing semi-automatic or bolt action weapons would not be audible.
    Fixed an issue where giant characters could occur when using the bipod.
    Added various fixes for Headgear and hair for some heads.
    Fixed an issue with the Uzi and AKS-74U iron sights being misaligned.
    Fixed an issue where cycling the bolt of a weapon occured before releasing the mouse button. Firing and holding down the fire button should now properly delay the cycling of a bolt-action rifle or pump action of a shotgun.
    Fixed an issue where when planting mines there was a slight delay after the animation completed before they would be planted.
    Fixed duplicate compensators and flash hiders on Insurgent pistols in Coop.
    Server Admin
    Fixed an issue with Rcon when submitting an incorrect password.

    Gameplay Improvements
    Reduced horizontal recoil for assault and battle rifles by 10%.
    Slightly sped up normal (non-sprint) Aim Down Sights speed across all weights.
    Increased drivable vehicle window health slightly to make players inside less vulnerable.
    Reduced mine planting time from five seconds to 3.4 seconds.

    AI Improvements
    Reduced bot quota from 6/12 to 3/12 to make lower player counts easier.
    Bots should be less aggressive with grenades, and try to allow targets some time to flee before they explode.
    Bots should now properly ignore targets with spawn protection.

    User Experience Improvements
    Settings Menu
    Added mouse smoothing option.
    Added gamma option.
    Updated “Scope Setting” options, which are now referred to as “Normal” and “Picture-in-picture”.
    Server Browser
    Added ability to click on a column and sort the results.
    Added the following filter options:
    Show Full
    Show Empty
    Removed the Fire Mode display for weapons that don't use bullets (e.g. grenades, knives, etc.)
    Round Victory Screen
    Improved map voting screen so that longer scenario names (such as “Checkpoint Insurgents”) fit the voting buttons.
    Loadout Menu
    Implemented stripper clip and scope deny text support. This indicates to the player if there are any conflicting upgrades when hovering over the upgrade.
    Server Admin
    Added server admin config option bCounterAttackReinforce to Checkpoint which allows the human team to be reinforced at the start of every counter-attack. This is not on by default and is intended to be an option for custom servers.

    Visual Improvements
    Updated the menu idle animation.
    Updated rifle, pistol and launcher sprinting character animations.
    Improved textures for the following Insurgent items:
    Polo Plain
    Polo Striped
    Button Rolled
    Button Sleeves
    Button T
    Reworked head and neck constraints and added linear damping.
    Improved the speed at which ragdolls will stop simulating physics if they haven’t encountered any large physical forces. This should reduce instances of jittering ragdolls.
    Scaled down the suppressor for the AKM, AK-74 and Alpha AK.
    Updated the scale of all third person flash hiders and compensators.
    Fixed some scaling issues with third person muzzle flashes.

    Map Balance & Fixes
    Revised Push Insurgents scenario and expanded it to five objectives.
    Adjusted Push Security B building to make it capturable on both floors.
    Improved bot navigation at Security Checkpoint B and Insurgent Checkpoint D.
    Fixed being able to leave the playable area near the Insurgent starting spawn in Skirmish.
    Fixed an issue where players could get stuck inside a silo near Push Security B.
    Made various gameplay adjustments to improve level flow and balance.
    Made various visual improvements.
    Reworked a wall that affects line of sight into Insurgent B spawn on Push Security.
    Improved player navigation around fences at Insurgent A spawn on Push Insurgents.
    Moved Insurgent B spawn further forward on Push Security.
    Removed window fence at Insurgent B spawn on Push Security.

    Known Issues
    The weapon ready animation when spawning in doesn't finish playing.
    Magazine will disappear on a weapon in first person view when you switch to an under barrel grenade launcher.
    Gas Masks don't show on characters who have equipped them.
    When a player is ejected from a vehicle after being killed, their ragdoll will disappear.
    Party members cannot communicate through VoIP.

  30. #120
    Ahhh un topic sur Day of infamy 2 : shitstorm ! :aie: Ah c'est juste insurgency ? Bon ben je prend aussi Drapal !

    Tester un peu a part une optimisation bonne mais sans plus, pour le moment j'aime bien.

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