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Discussion: Hunt Showdown

  1. #1891

    Bon résumé de le mise à jour actuellement sur les serveurs test.
    Il y a également un pack de skin (pour le nouveau couteau et le Sparks) qui doit arriver avec la maj. Les bénéfices seront reversé à une association de protection des animaux en Australie.

  2. #1892
    Il y a encore des canards qui y jouent ? L'un ou l'autre partenaire aussi mauvais que moi me ferait moins culpabiliser par rapport à tous ces amerloques qui clamsent par ma faute...
    Citation Envoyé par O.Boulon Voir le message
    Merci pour ton argent !

  3. #1893

    J'ai acheté le jeux suite à la promo ( et la vente d'une jupe sur PUBG ) et je suis agréablement surpris.µ
    Actuellement rang 60, je me suis fait un pote espagnole lors d'une chasse, mais je suis disponible la plupart des soirs.

  4. #1894
    Vous vous regroupez sur quel chan sur le Mumble les coincoin ?
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  5. #1895
    Dispo pour jouer de temps en temps aussi.

  6. #1896
    Dispo également même si je ne suis pas une fine gâchette.

  7. #1897
    Bon allez balancez vos contacts Steam bande de cochons.
    Citation Envoyé par O.Boulon Voir le message
    Merci pour ton argent !

  8. #1898
    [CPC]Major_VinZ pour moi
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  9. #1899
    Citation Envoyé par Djezousse Voir le message
    [CPC]Major_VinZ pour moi
    Oky merci je t'ai envoyé une invit.
    Citation Envoyé par O.Boulon Voir le message
    Merci pour ton argent !

  10. #1900
    Hello les canards,

    Est-ce qu'il y a encore des nouveaux dans le coincoin ?
    Je débute tout juste et j'aimerais tester à plusieurs

    JiceY sur steam !

  11. #1901
    Citation Envoyé par jicey Voir le message
    Hello les canards,

    Est-ce qu'il y a encore des nouveaux dans le coincoin ?
    Je débute tout juste et j'aimerais tester à plusieurs

    JiceY sur steam !
    Je t'ai add. Pas nouveau mais je ne joue pas comme uns star... Ce qui revient à être nouveau.
    Citation Envoyé par O.Boulon Voir le message
    Merci pour ton argent !

  12. #1902
    J'vous ajoute aussi, j'vais certainement jouer ce soir.

  13. #1903
    Toujours dispo si besoin, par contre je suis rouillé !
    Le monde se divise en deux catégories : ceux qui ont la maladie d'Alzheimer.

  14. #1904
    Pareil, et il existe un canal steam ou on s'était plus ou moins retrouvé. Je peux vous inviter au besoin !

  15. #1905
    Patch 1.3 sorti aujourd'hui.

    Pleins de changements, le plus notable est le réajustement du damage-drop, à la hausse, pour beaucoup d'armes et principalement en faveur des balles compactes. A noter que les armes dotées de silencieux comme la Winfield et le Sparks bénéficient aussi d'un très très gros coup de pouce sur la portée de leur headshot. La Winfield est à nouveau viable à distance moyenne. Et surtout, elle bénéficie du trait Levering, qui est un équivalent du Fanning / Pistolero. Préparez vous à faire des bruits de machinegun avec la bouche. Ca va être complètement débile.

    Un nouvel outil intéressant : la fausse bombe ! Vous allumez une mèche, vous jetez, et ça ne fait rien. Sauf peut être faire sortir des mecs de leurs couverts :D. Trois charges pour le prix d'une. J'suis excité à mort.

  16. #1906
    Vivement ton nouveau micro qu’on teste ça en multi !

  17. #1907
    J'ai re installé le jeu, si y a des canards en manque de partenaire pour une chasse a la grosse bebette malefique hesitez pas. Meme pseudo qu'ici.

    C'est moi il y a plus grand monde sur les serveurs?
    Dernière modification par Rythmithik ; 28/04/2020 à 09h50.

  18. #1908

    Je trouve une partie dans chacun des modes en quelques secondes ces derniers soirs, pas de problème de ce côté-là

  19. #1909
    Le soir je sais pas mais en journée j ai l impression qu on est jamais plus de 6 par map.

  20. #1910
    Le problème c'est que tu ne sais pas réellement avec combien d'autres joueurs tu es sur la map, ça permet de toujours être sur tes gardes même si tu es le dernier en vie.

    Je me souviens d'un contrat que j'avais fait en solo lors de l'early où j’étais tout seul, au moins ça m'a permis de me faire les 2 boss, et tuer une multitude de monstres, ces derniers temps, je croise au moins 2 autres équipes donc au moins 6 joueurs + éventuellement d'autres chasseurs déjà morts au combat.

    Tout ça pour dire que je ne me retrouve toujours ( en ce moment) avec d'autres joueurs.

  21. #1911
    En effet le soir ça a l'"air beaucoup mieux. En même temps ce matin j'ai attaqué a 6 du mat.
    Première game en partie rapide gagnée, j adore ce mode. Ca fight sec, et quand tu dois te défendre seul contre tous dans ton 10 mètres carré a la fin tu prends ta dose d’adrénaline.

    J'aurais vraiment du attendre moins longtemps avant de redonner une seconde chance a hunt. Niveau sensation c'est du sacré FPS. Et puis comparé a certains jeu BR ou tu passes pas 3 quart d'heure a te stuffer pour mourir en 15 secondes. Tu meurs aussi vite certes si t'as pas de bol (ou de la merde dans les mains), mais la face de randonnée est beaucoup plus agréable (et courte).

    Par contre ils prévoient de continuer a mettre a jour le jeu, boss,etc... La plupart des derniers devlog que j ai lu avaient l'air de parler d'opti coté serveur, j’espère que du nouveau contenu va arriver, que je me lasse pas trop vite.
    Dernière modification par Rythmithik ; 29/04/2020 à 00h25.

  22. #1912
    Pour info je me refait quelques partie de temps à autre... La petite conversation Steam existe encore
    (Et je suis mauvais hein.)

  23. #1913
    Marrant on a relancé le jeu ce weekend avec le frangin !
    Par contre durant l'ea c'etait la fete aux mecs qui spammais Q/D, et now c'est la fete des mecs qui crouch / stand sans arret !
    C'est pénible et ca me sort completement du trip d'avoir un cowbow en face de moi qui se baisse toutes les deux secondes en plein fight pour faire caca !

  24. #1914
    Citation Envoyé par Garven Voir le message
    Pour info je me refait quelques partie de temps à autre... La petite conversation Steam existe encore
    (Et je suis mauvais hein.)
    Possibilité de rejoindre le chan/conversation/groupe histoire de trouver des canards dispo de temps en temps?

  25. #1915
    Je sais que les devs luttent contre ca. Pour donner une "immersion". Je crois qu'ils ont augmenté la dispersion en faisant Q/D typiquement. Reste à savoir comment ils vont régir pour le "crouch". (Même si au final il suffit de viser les pattes non ?)

    Aprés oui, en terme d'immersion c'est moyen.

    Citation Envoyé par McCauley Voir le message
    Possibilité de rejoindre le chan/conversation/groupe histoire de trouver des canards dispo de temps en temps?
    Avec plaisir : (edit : lien changé en perma Lien)

    Je sais pas si ca va marcher mais bon. Pour info on est plus trop actif dessus, mais tu trouveras du monde ici ou sur le chat. J'ai ré-activé les notifs.

  26. #1916
    J'ai rejoints le groupe !

    Garven, tu joue solo vs d'autres en équipes ?
    perso j'ose pas lancer qd je suis pas avec mon frangin

  27. #1917
    Salut les canards,

    Vous faites comment pour savoir quel trait affecte telle arme ? Je trouve que c'est pas facile de se repérer là dedans… Par exemple les traits pour améliorer la visée avec certaines lunettes… vous faites comment pour savoir quelles armes sont impactées ?

  28. #1918
    Citation Envoyé par Brolock Voir le message
    Salut les canards,

    Vous faites comment pour savoir quel trait affecte telle arme ? Je trouve que c'est pas facile de se repérer là dedans… Par exemple les traits pour améliorer la visée avec certaines lunettes… vous faites comment pour savoir quelles armes sont impactées ?

    Avec l’expérience

    Généralement c'est indiqué dans le descriptif des armes c'est en commentaire

    exemple: pour le trait "blablabla réduit l'oscillation pour les armes à lunette courte", ensuite dans l'arme vetterli à lunette dans sa description c'est indiqué blablabla arme munie d'une lunette courte, donc le trait va pour cette arme

    C'est comme les trait garder la visée de la mire pour les fusils à verrou, dans le descriptif des armes toujours en exemple la vetterli : fusil à verrou militaire suisse etc...

    Trait avec l'aigle qui tient une lunette, t'as 3 longueurs de lunettes courte/moyenne/longue, tu repères sur les armes la longueur de la lunette, exemple la sparks tireur d'elite la lunette fait toute la longueur de l'arme donc longue, la martini-henry tireur adroit c'est une lunette courte.

    A confirmer si je ne dis pas trop de conneries

  29. #1919
    Sauf qu'en Français y'a un trait j'ai jamais trouvé l'arme avec la meme description
    Je vais le remettre en Anglais d'ailleurs !

    Sinon, vous vous lancez souvent seul dans la chasse au contrat ? moi j'ai trop peur

  30. #1920
    Citation Envoyé par darkmanticora Voir le message
    J'ai rejoints le groupe !

    Garven, tu joue solo vs d'autres en équipes ?
    perso j'ose pas lancer qd je suis pas avec mon frangin
    Je joues souvent en solo ^^
    Mais je suis mauvais et je cherche absolument pas la win à tout coup...

    D'ailleurs "petit" patch note de la 1.4 qui est sortie.

    Different Intensities for Damage Effects – Update 1.4 rewrites everything you know about burning, bleeding or poison, with new rules and intensities for each damage type.

    New Equipment – The update brings some new toys to play with. Now you can poison your careless foes using the brand new Poison Trip Mine tool and as for the careful Hunters, the Serpent trait has been added, allowing the interaction with clues, rifts and abandoned bounties from afar when using dark sight.

    New Legendaries – We have introduced many new Legendary weapons including the runners up in our 2nd anniversary weapon skin contest as well as a Hunter! Make sure to check them out.

    Different Intensities for Damage Effects
    Fire Damage
    Fire damage can now cause different effects related to burning.
    Light Fire Damage
    Scorches health chunks lightly.
    Does not cause burning on hunters automatically.
    Can cause or increase burning on hunters when dealt repeatedly over a short amount of time.
    Medium Fire Damage
    Medium Burning is equal to what players are used to from before this update.
    Scorches health chunks.
    Causes Medium Burning on Hunters.
    Deals fire damage over time.
    Takes 4 seconds to stop.
    Will escalate into Intense Burning when not stopped in time.
    Indicated by a small flame on the health bar.
    Intense Fire Damage
    Intense Burning is 50% stronger than Medium Burning.
    Scorches health chunks severely.
    Can destroy a small health chunk instantly.
    Causes Intense Burning on Hunters.
    Deals severe fire damage over time.
    Takes 6 seconds to stop.
    Indicated by a large flame on the health bar.
    Scorched health chunks now regenerate twice as fast than before.
    Scorching over time from burning stacks with scorching from received fire damage attacks.
    AI does not feature different intensities when burning.
    Dead hunters are in the Medium Burning state which burns as fast as before this update.

    Developer Note:
    By introducing different intensities of fire damage we now have new options for balancing game mechanics and equipment. The most noticeable balance change is that hunters don't automatically start burning anymore when they come in contact with fire but on the flip side can also burn faster than before. On one hand, this will reduce frustration for new players that are still learning the mechanics and also give careful players the opportunity to resolve certain situations more effectively. On the other hand fire now also has the potential to damage players even more severely when not taken seriously. The Hellfire Bomb explosion for example does no longer deal physical damage but will scorch a small chunk worth of health instantly and at the same time cause hunters to burn intensively.

    This new mechanic will also help us to introduce and balance custom ammunition like incendiary bullets in the future.

    Rending Damage
    Rending damage can now cause three different intensities of bleeding on hunters
    Light Bleeding
    Light Bleeding is 50% weaker than Medium Bleeding.
    Caused by light rending damage directly.
    Deals minor damage over time.
    Takes 2 seconds to stop.
    Indicated by one blood drop on the health bar .
    Medium Bleeding
    Medium Bleeding is equal to what players are used to from before this Update.
    Caused by medium rending damage directly.
    Can escalate from light bleeding by consecutive rending attacks.
    Deals moderate damage over time.
    Takes 4 seconds to stop.
    Indicated by two blood drops on the health bar.
    Intense Bleeding
    Intense Bleeding is 50% stronger than Medium Bleeding.
    Caused by intense rending damage directly.
    Can escalate from medium bleeding by consecutive rending attacks.
    Deals severe damage over time.
    Takes 6 seconds to stop.
    Indicated by three blood drops on the health bar.
    Bleeding intensity will not increase on its own .
    Bleeding will last until stopped by the player.[/list]

    Developer Note:
    Since quite a few of the AI enemies and equipment in Hunt can cause a hunter to bleed it makes sense to introduce intensities and with that a certain scalability to the effect. This will allow players to slip up once in a while but punish them even more than before when they let a situation get out of hand.

    This new mechanic will also help us to introduce and balance custom ammunition in the future.

    Poison Damage
    The poison effect no longer has a fixed duration.
    Instead it can range from 0 to 20 seconds, depending on ... long the hunter had been exposed to a poison cloud.
    ...the poison intensity of the damage received.
    Poison intensity will decrease over time when no poison damage is received.
    The screen and audio effects that obstruct the player's vision and hearing now have three intensities, that indicate the duration of the remaining effect.
    Light - when remaining effect duration is between 0 and 5 seconds.
    Medium - when remaining effect duration is between 5 and 15 seconds.
    Intense - when remaining effect duration is between 15 and 20 seconds.

    Developer Note:
    The duration of the poison effect on hunters was fixed in the past and therefore did not necessarily match with the cause of the poisoning. With introducing an intensity that can scale up and down it's now a valid option for careful players to sit out short exposures and not having to rely on traits or equipment like the antidote shot.

    This new mechanic will also help us to introduce and balance custom ammunition like poison bullets in the future.

    New Equipment
    New Tool Added: Poison Trip Mine
    Comes in packs of 2.
    The Poison Trip Mine is part of the "Poison" unlock tree and has been added as the last item in that category.
    New Trait Added: Serpent
    Available for 4 Upgrade points.
    Available at Bloodline Rank 28.
    "Using Dark Sight, interact with nearby Clues, Rifts, and abandoned Bounty from a safe distance."
    Allows players to look at Clues, Rifts and Bounty in Dark Sight to start an interaction over distance.
    The interaction range is 25 meters.
    The duration is 10 seconds.

    New Legendary Content
    "Black Mamba"
    Nitro Express Rifle
    Description: "The deadliest rifle, named for the deadliest snake. This Nitro Express has a vicious bite and can take down the largest foes with ease."
    "Kamacite Moon"
    Caldwell Uppercut
    Description: "Forged by a scrappy fighter using what he had to hand, this Caldwell Conversion Uppercut is forged from Kamacite, an alloy of iron and nickel, found in a meteor that caused an ancient and unspeakable calamity."
    "Tooth and Claw"
    Martini Henry IC1 Riposte
    Description: "The law of the jungle dictates that only the fittest survive. This Martini Henry ICI Riposte gives its owner an edge. Beloved by a hunter who loves to take a risk – and still come out on top."
    "Death's Breath"
    Winfield M1873 Talon
    Description: "One shot from this Winfield M1873 Talon will take your breath away – permanently. Designed by Corwin Stedman, a runner up in our 2nd anniversary weapon skin contest."
    Caldwell Rival 78 Handcannon
    Description: "With hide tough as armor and gruesome, rusty teeth, this Caldwell Rival 78 Handcannon’s bite is as fearsome as that of its namesake. Designed by Seven-D, a runner up in our 2nd anniversary weapon skin contest."
    Legendary Hunter
    Description: "Accomplices to the devil, stealers of souls, and an ill omen – cats have long been associated with dark magic, and Nika Felis bears the skull of one feline adversary on her head as a warning to others that she has capabilities as powerful – and as dangerous. Rumored to be a shapeshifter, and a colleague of Doctor John."

    Time of day "Sunset" now uses daylight ambience instead of night.
    AI footstep intensity is now driven by aggro level instead of movement speed.

    Developer Note: This change will make AI footsteps more reliably escalate and therefore easier to read.

    Added fly swarm audio to poison barrels and the Doctor Grunt.
    Audio Mix Improvements for elevation and azimuth, making sounds below, above and around the listener easier to pinpoint.
    Melee Attachments
    Updated light attacks on the Martini Henry Riposte and the Springfield Compact Striker variants to have their hit-boxes better fit their animations.
    Increased Melee damage for all heavy Attack with "Talon" variants from 135 to 150
    Increased Melee damage for the heavy Attack with the Romero Hatchet from 135 to 150
    Increased Melee damage for the Light Attack with the Obrez Mace from 32 to 54
    Increased Melee damage for the Heavy Attack with the Obrez Mace from 72 to 90

    Removed rending damage and with that Bleeding from Shotguns.
    Romero Handcannon's accuracy has been increased slightly (effective range stat increased to 10m).
    Romero Hatchet's accuracy has been increased slightly (effective range stat increased to 10m).
    Romero Hatchet's recoil punch has been increased erraticly after shooting (reduced handling stat to 80).

    Fire Bomb
    No longer deals damage
    Scorches health chunks lightly and causes hunters to start burning
    Hellfire Bomb
    no longer deals damage
    Scorches health chunks and causes hunters to start burning intensely
    Can destroy a small health chunk on impact
    Frag Bomb
    Reduced damage from 200 to 150.
    Now deals Intense Rending Damage (Causes Intense Bleeding).

    Developer Note:
    This change will slightly increase the chance for players to survive with severe injuries at the edge of the frag bombs explosion radius.

    Flare Pistol
    No longer deals damage
    Scorches health chunks and causes hunters to start burning intensely
    Increased Weak Antidote Shot duration from 360 to 1800 seconds (6 minutes to 30 minutes)
    Increased Choke Bomb duration from 60 to 120 seconds
    Choke Bombs can now remove Poison clouds
    Hunters may still receive initial Poison Damage while in a Choke Bomb Cloud

    Reduces fire damage and burn speed by 25%, even when downed.
    Increased cost from 2 to 5 Upgrade Points

    Bleeding will not escalate from light to medium or intense bleeding.

    Drastically reduces the time needed to recover from poisoning.
    Bounty Hunt
    Looting a dead hunter while carrying any Bounty now restores one second of Dark Sight Boost
    Will restore even if Dark Sight Boost had been used up already
    Dark Sight Boost can not exceed 5 seconds
    Torch Grunts deal Light Fire Damage
    Cleaver Grunts deal Light Rending Damage
    Doctor Grunts deal Intense Poison Damage
    Hellhounds deal Light Rending Damage
    Waterdevils deal Intense Rending Damage
    Hives swarm attack deals Light Poison Damage
    Immolators explosion deals Intense Fire Damage
    Immolators now die to a single Poison Bolt
    Concertina Armoreds deals Light Rending Damage
    Concertina Armoreds now die to a single Poison Bolt
    Armoreds now die to a single Poison Bolt
    Leeches deal Light Poison Damage
    Boss: Spider deals up to Medium Poison Damage
    Boss: Butcher deals up to Medium Fire Damage
    Boss: Assassin deals Intense Rending Damage

    Improvements made to Russian translation.
    Adjusted the Values in the Store for the Bornheim family to reflect the actual Damage and Effective Range.
    Bornheim Family: Damage decreased to 74 from 84.
    Smaller tweaks and updates made to various parts of Stillwater Bayou and Lawson Delta maps to improve navigation and fix clipping issues.
    Closed lots of small gaps in walls all around Stillwater Bayou and Lawson Delta which were used to exploit people.
    Oil Barrel Explosion deals Intense Fire Damage
    New Tool Added: Poison Trip Mine
    Added for $60
    Antidote Shot
    Increased price from 25 to 55 Hunt Dollars
    Weak Antidote Shot
    Increased Weak Antidote Shot price from 5 to 25 Hunt Dollars.
    New Legendary Weapons
    Added Nitro Express Rifle: "Black Mamba" for 500 Blood Bonds
    Added Caldwell Uppercut : "Kamacite Moon" for 500 Blood Bonds
    Added Martini Henry IC1 Riposte: "Tooth and Claw" for 500 Blood Bonds
    Added Winfield M1873 Talon: "Death's Breath" for 300 Blood Bonds
    Added Caldwell Rival 78 Handcannon: "Gator" for 300 Blood Bonds
    New Legendary Hunter
    Added "Felis" for 700 Blood Bonds
    Opt out of statistic sharing ; other players won't see the player's statistic anymore, and he will not see them.
    Leaving a random teammate will now trigger a delay before searching for a new one.
    Delay gets longer from 15 seconds to 1 minute after several leaves.
    Precache skeletons for characters built with skin bundles.
    More information is displayed when picking up a weapon during a game (Number and type of ammo).
    The KD Ratio now includes the assists in it's formula.
    The number of Kills, Death and Assists is now displayed as a tooltip, over the KDA Ratio.
    Added Loading Screen for the Dark sight replenishment.

    Fixed a bug where empty hands would shown after dropping a world item despite having weapons.
    Fixed some Discord rich presence issues and re-enabled the Discord rich presence integration.
    Fixed a bug where under certain conditions, players could loot the invisible corpse of extracted players.
    Fixed a bug where player couldn't interact with a clue for the first few seconds if a dead armored would have fallen directly on it.
    Fixed a bug where player needed to renew their input when pressing '^' on a german keyboard layout.
    Fixed some client crashes.
    Fixed some minor localization issues.
    Fixed an issue where looting a hunter with the Vulture trait did not yield any loot.

    Fixed a bug where the Butcher could teleport to the lower floor in Davant Ranch under specific conditions.

    Fixed an issue where the sound of some animals could stop too early.
    Fixed an issue that could lead to world animals not emitting sounds (horses, crows,...).
    Fixed an issue where a hunters "out of breath" sound continued to play for too long after sprinting.

    Fixed a bug where the aim down sights toggle did not work correctly
    Fixed issues with the spread of the Romero Handcannon and the Romero Hatchet while Aiming down Sights: Spread was too tight.
    Fixed an issue where players could survive their own frag bomb explosions.

    Fixed a bug where new Soul Survivor would appears only after hitting 'Free Reshuffle' when it would have been won without any recruits or Soul Survivors left.
    Fixed a bug where the previous death damage still got displayed in damage history.
    Fixed a bug where under certain conditions the weapon was displaced and wouldn't rotate centered.
    Fixed a bug where the crosshair would change size based on resolution.
    Fixed a bug where the damage history often accumulated damage when ping / packet loss is high.
    Fixed a bug where the Hunter and all their information disappeared from the death screen when player that killed the person left the mission.
    Fixed an issue where player could receive a not fitting 'Kill view' in rare occasions where the killer shot him from behind a wall.
    Fixed a bug where Player couldn't open weapon wheel while waiting for other players.
    Fixed a bug with the Legendary Bomb lance skin 'Shellback' where it had no 'shoot weapon' button in 3d viewer.

    Player unable to loot weapons, 'Ammo Full' displayed on pressing F.
    Poison trip mine is not affected by Vigilant
    Not everything of an extracted player gets removed on extract (floating equipment)
    Wellspring bounty is not displayed correctly in the statistics screen.
    The Leaderboards for Bounty Hunt may take some time to populate correctly due to the new KDA feature.

    Client can occasionally crash during gameplay.
    Clients can crash on resolution change.
    Players may sometimes experience desyncs / rubberbanding issues during gameplay.

    Visuals & Audio
    Sometimes a hand (or both) cannot stream in and be invisible.
    Slower texture streaming than in PC 1.3.1
    Lantern Oil puddle does not have burning audio.
    In rare cases, players might see a permanent ghosting effect on the skybox.
    Fog partially not rendered if observed through gaps .
    Running while the map is open bends the player model after some way.
    Hunters can sometimes not stream in completely (might be 1st person character being rendered)
    After specific steps the reload mechanism for the winfield swift can be visible while executing the levering mechanism.
    Depth of field can be enabled despite having it disabled in the settings.
    Electric lamp has a light source shining to the right.
    Underground impacts or the beginning of a sound cannot be correctly occluded when being above ground.
    Teammates don't have shadows
    Ambient audio from outside is audible inside of boss room.
    Volumetric Fog inside boss room flickers.
    Dogs and chicken audio is inaudible after a few moments on aware state
    Some songs cut off when played on gramophone
    Ravens, ducks and horse deescalate from suspicious very quickly
    Some pistols have a different running and idling animation in third person
    Some weapon don't have audio in the 3D viewer

    Gameplay & AI
    Hornskin trait doesn't give the player a blunt melee damage reduction of 25%
    Crouching steps and walking/running steps have the same volume
    Poison trip mine doesn't deal damage to AI
    Weapons can be client side on the wrong position and therefore not be looted
    Spawned grunts can be observed sliding until they change states for the first time
    Player can sometimes still get revived if teammate dies during revive process.
    AI finishing off a hunter counts as kill of the Player that damaged the hunter before (for some challenges)
    Concertina armored can damage and kill a player from a distance
    Concertina trip mines cannot destroy poison/hive barrels
    The Nagant M1895 only seems to fire 6 times when the gun is fired rapidly but all 7 shots count.
    Poison trip mine is not affected by Vigilant
    Sometimes when canceling a reload the player melees instead of shoot (while RMB is held down)
    With Gunslinger control scheme, holding RMB is ignored if pressed right after pressing SHIFT while a lever animation is played with a Winfield
    AI can attack a closer hiding player instead of the sound source that triggers the AI
    Hellhounds might jump over obstacles on the ground
    Players can reach some positions they are not supposed to have access to.
    Player can get on boss building roof
    Sometimes bullets that should penetrate don't penetrate the object
    Nagant officer brawler cannot chain melee attacks properly
    Having toggle for aim and sprint in gunslinger scheme delays the start of sprinting
    Picking up a small weapon during a weapon switch animation (from large to small) ends in swapping the wrong weapon.
    Sometimes a downed hunter doesn't get set on fire even tho it looks like he is complete in the flames
    Player leaves crouch unintentionally on certain key combinations
    Sometimes after picking up a gun or changing fire mode the player can't aim down sight
    Stamina gets not reduced for two heavy melee hits with the Sparks after each other
    Player melees when right and left clicking during the revolver spin animation
    Butcher can sometimes be observed walking sideways or backwards
    Player can get stuck while picking up clue and climbing ladder at the same time
    Player unable to loot weapons, 'Ammo Full' displayed on pressing
    Not everything of an extracted player gets removed on extract
    The Assassin stabs 2 times in a row for an attack
    The Assassin does not attack if a player is marked by its clone
    Damage to assassin with explosives ( sticky bomb ) is inconsistent
    Meathead is sometimes missing leeches and may not react to the player
    Hive Barrels Bees don't attack the Player after the use of an antidote shot
    Meathead attack can deal too much damage
    Immolator interacts with already dead AI
    Assassin and Spider can get stuck sometimes.
    Items can be client side still on a loot box after someone else picked it up before
    Looting a Hunter in QP can sometimes give no loot at all
    Quad derringer ammunition goes directly into the chamber when interacting with an item box
    Ammo replenishment of quad derringer doesn't work correctly in quickplay
    Winfield can empty itself server side after player gets revived or swapping weapons
    Meathead can sometimes get stuck at corners
    Player can keep and win soul survivor even though he died in Quickplay (trading kills with wellspring carrier)
    Gunslinger has different sensitivities for melee weapons and normal guns
    Player has a hard time vaulting through a window with a bear trap inside it
    Weapon is wrongfully re-selected when using a consumable and switching to another consumable
    Concertina wire can prevent a choke bomb from extinguishing fire
    Sometimes when vaulting the player can get synced inside the objects and be stuck
    Used up tools get replaced when the player picks up a new tool
    Standing close in front of a window and light meleeing doesn't break the window
    Player can't open window shutters while cooking a throwable item (e.g. Frag grenade)
    One of the 3 caged dogs might survive shot lantern for a while
    Sometimes weapon can drop on top of each other and it is hard to loot the correct one
    Razor wire can damage a player through walls
    The assassin has issues discerning between players above or below him
    Sticky bomb doesn't fall off if the player stops bleeding
    Martini-Henry Marksman has no scope blur
    Crosshair size changes depending on aspect ratio
    Player can't shoot during an ads transition

    HUD elements for swapping weapons or looting items are increasing if players receives bleeding while looking at them.
    News screen displays an empty screen when selecting the recruit button in legendary hunters news
    Leaderboard column for kills and assist shows only kills
    'Hide Statistics' checkbox doesn't fully revert to previous status if a player cancels and confirms to loose unsaved changes
    Wrong hunter will be shown when killer is back in lobby ( with his hunter been dead )
    After leaving group and queuing for QP the button "Please wait" gets active/red again
    Name of killer is still visible on 'Profile' view when 'show name of killer' is disabled
    Every shotgun pellet has its own entry in the damage history
    All filter in roster or store don't work properly
    Slot selection doesn't jump to next slot when replacing a contraband with a new item when the dismiss pop-up appears
    Not unlocked item doesn't get equipped when player has to dismiss the current equipped item
    Damage history for the Explosive crossbow shows melee damage on direct hit
    After assigning the "F" key to another function, it can't be reassigned to its two original functions
    Death screen displays different elo from PvP rating and Summary Screen
    Weapon tool tip is displayed on roster overview when changing from 'equipment' to 'overview'
    Player can change hunter in between matchmaking counter and matchmaking timer
    Images are displayed darker than the original
    Equipment: Clean button is still visible when filters aren't matching an item
    Non-host can access the Lobby subtabs after reforming groups after unloading
    Damage history is missing damage ticks when getting shot while burning
    UI elements go missing after clicking on the mission UI in the lobby screen
    Replacing a consumable with another one won't jump to next free slot
    Outline of team mate changes from blue to red when getting close to revive
    Equipment bar numbers don't always get updated for the quad derringer after interacting with an item box
    Two hud indicators for bullets from quad derringer get displayed when replenishing it
    Boss token icon is flickering and doesn't stay in position when moving camera
    HUD instantly disappears when switching from/to the LeMat in shotgun mode
    Missing the "+" icon when unlocking a new weapon in book of weapons
    Quickplay screen doesn't update on region switch
    Bounty indicator lines may be wrong after some bounty extracted
    When killed as last player in quickplay, "You are the only survivor" banner is shown
    Crossbow (and variants) are displayed empty on the death screen (no bolts)
    Death screen: Glass from bottles isn't visible
    Damage history shows any damage that you made to yourself as "killed yourself"
    Health regen is calculated ( subtracted ) from damage values in damage history.
    No discard prompt when un-equipping a contraband legendary while already having one of the kind
    Equipped weapon isn't always displayed on top of the list in the equipment screen.
    Player can unlock a legendary hunter during matchmaking which will be automatically be picked
    When queuing for QP, the other tabs can still be selected
    NEWS - News feed sometimes stucks in an in-between state
    'Report Player' button doesn't get removed after a report was submitted (profile window needs to be closed to get it removed)
    KDA ratio tool tip isn't translated in all languages except English
    Old/outdated lobby state can be displayed in the background

    Players with prestige can random group with players without prestige
    Teamsharing unlock for consumables and tools doesn't work correctly

    ~The Hunt Team

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