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  1. #4021
    Citation Envoyé par Gimpster Jovial Voir le message
    Après y'a pas mort d'homme non plus, mais il faut admettre la faute et ensuite à qui de droit de faire ce qu'il faut pour se racheter et réinstaurer la confiance abîmée. Je te rejoins du coup sur le fait d'assumer l'échec et de justement en tirer les leçons pour en ressortir plus efficaces, mais faut pas que ce soit non plus une raison pour ignorer la gêne et la frustration occasionnées imho. Restons dans la nuance intelligente et hors des logiques binaires débiles ou tout n'est que shitstorm vs admiration béate.
    Tout à fait d'accord là-dessus.
    Pour nuancer, j'ajouterais que le plus important c'est de 1) traiter le problème puis 2) communiquer dessus, faire des excuses, etc. Quand on a les moyens, l'idéal est que la comm' soit régulière, y compris pour accompagner les utilisateurs durant la période de "troubles", mais ce n'est pas toujours possible.

  2. #4022
    Citation Envoyé par SeigneurAo Voir le message
    Tout à fait d'accord là-dessus.
    Pour nuancer, j'ajouterais que le plus important c'est de 1) traiter le problème puis 2) communiquer dessus, faire des excuses, etc. Quand on a les moyens, l'idéal est que la comm' soit régulière, y compris pour accompagner les utilisateurs durant la période de "troubles", mais ce n'est pas toujours possible.
    Sur tes derniers messages, je suis impressionné par ta capacité à prendre intelligemment du recul, ce qui n'est pas le cas, malheureusement, de la majorité des personnes sur les forums en général.
    J'ai ES2 depuis la sortie, je me suis bien amusé à découvrir les mécanismes du jeu, il y a manifestement encore des problèmes à régler : Pas grave, je mets le jeu en pause et j'attends patiemment les mises à jours.
    Je fais confiance au studio et si je me trompe alors je serai surement plus prudent pour leur prochain jeu, c'est la loi du marché. Mais pour l'instant je les laisse faire leur boulot, chacun son métier.

  3. #4023
    Apparemment, patch pour la semaine prochaine environ (et bug de sauvegarde enfin réglé), d'après Frogsquadron (Wam ?) sur les forums steam :

    We'll most probably be publishing the update in preview form this week, and if everything goes well, push it live for everyone next week.

  4. #4024
    Ouip apparement le bug de save sera reglé sur la prochaine maj.

    Restera plus qu'à ajouter le contenu manquant (prévu pour la fin de l'été) et non de diou de non de diou de faire enfin cette traduction FR tant promise !!!

    Puis viendra tranquillement le temps de l'équilibrage.
    Perso j'espère qu'ils vont revoir l'économie méchamment à la baisse car là c'est vraiment n'importe quoi il n'y a aucun choix stratégique à faire tu construis juste tout partout ...
    Ce qui me fait peur c'est que Wam avait clairement dit que c'était une volonté délibéré des développeurs de pouvoir permettre au joueur de tout construire partout et que le côté stratégique se retrouve dans l'ordre de construction. Le problème c'est que mis à part au debut d'une partie, et encore, j'ai pas trop trouvé le côté stratégique de la chose avec des bâtiments qui se construisent en quelques tours voir un seul en midd et late game ...
    Faut vraiment revoir les coûts d'entretien ! Pareil pour la flotte !!

    Ps : d'ailleurs en parlant de Wam, je crois qu'il nous boude car il est tjs sur les forums steam. Il s'est lassé de nos complaintes ^^

  5. #4025
    Il avait pas dit qu'il parlerait plus tant que je sais plus qui aura pas troqué sa version tipiak contre une legit?

  6. #4026
    Ah si en effet !

    Qu'on retrouve l'individu en question et qu'on le pende !!!^^

  7. #4027
    Pour ceux qui cherchent, c'est Festino
    Dernière modification par Anonyme1202 ; 02/08/2017 à 17h39.

  8. #4028
    Comme les cyclistes dopés ? Toujours des tricheurs dans cette équipe.

    Et je connais le vrai nom hein.

  9. #4029
    Qu'on torture Yog pour obtenir des informations !!!

    Il faut absolument qu'on retrouve Wam, on a plein de questions à lui poser !!

  10. #4030
    Passèrent les années, du topic abandonné,
    Et de nouvelles Wam n'a plus donné.
    Les Dieux imputèrent,
    La faute à un pauvre hère.
    Le topic désœuvré, depuis, désert,
    Fut nommé en son nom la Festinière

  11. #4031
    Je pense qu'il a mieux à faire, 'voulez pas lui lâcher la grappe ?

  12. #4032
    Il joue a PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds donc c'est clair qu'il a mieux a faire.

  13. #4033
    Loooool tenebris, j'aime bcp, très bien trouvé !

    On plaisante Kaelis, keep your zen attitude.

  14. #4034
    Il est peu-être tout simplement en vacance les gens

  15. #4035
    Citation Envoyé par iHateWin Voir le message
    Loooool tenebris, j'aime bcp, très bien trouvé !
    Hehe, inspiré par le pseudo
    C'est pas faux !

  16. #4036

  17. #4037
    Gros patch beta dispo sur steam:

    Hi everyone,

    We have just released a preview build! If you want to give it a try, please follow these instructions:
    Right click on the game in your Steam Library
    Select Properties
    Select the Betas tab
    Select the 1.0.36 build in the drop down list

    Added a scroll bar to the company list on the left banner of the economy screen
    Disabled and greyed out trade route lines between turns in the economy screen
    Polished Chat messages (rename, join)
    Players can now force their fleet to take a direct path by using the Ctrl key
    Added info about spaceport and population transit in the Star System List
    Planetary destruction cinematics can now be disabled
    Added the possibility to rename Vodyani arks
    Added starting skills in the skill tree panel, now visible as two skill circles on the right of the hero skill tree screen under "Starting Skills"
    Fleets can no longer escape a player when the player is selecting a target
    The player is now aware that he can activate population growth using luxuries when reaching the required amount of said luxury
    Ground battles now start automatically when the ending turn button is pressed
    Added Guardians information in Guardian curiosity tooltip; the player knows what they get before exploring the curiosity
    Ground battles on a mothership now have a specific ground texture
    Added Unique planet lore in Planet screen
    Global improvements of the performances in game

    Curiosities explored by spending industry in colonized systems now count for the completion of the first UE chapter
    The counter of the Quest "Hope in Heresy" (Vodyani Chapter 4, step 1) displayed false info. Now, the counter displays the same information as the objective description
    If the player already possesses a System level 4 in There Can Only be One Trillion (Horatio Chapter 3 Choice Industrialist), this system will now count for the objective completion
    UnitedEmpire Main Quest Chapter 1: Increased the Traitor’s Reach Reward. Now this outpost is a Terran planet with a positive anomaly on it, and there is a secondary planet on this system
    Secret Quest Reward: All "?" are now replaced by "Random Technology"
    The Daily Slogan reward of the United Empire Chapter 1 was underwhelming comparing to another reward of the same chapter. It now increases the basic food output of an outpost by 50%
    Sophons Chapter 4 Reward effects are clearer now
    Planets and systems involved in Chapter 4 of United Empire now have a compass and a quest marker
    Riftborn Quest Chapter 1 Step 2 Religious Objective is now doable if the player has the Vodyani Affinity
    Hidden tooltips "?" have been replaced by "Random [icon] Technology" in order to be clearer
    Reward Seduxury on the Chapter 1 of the Sophons quest is now less costly
    Good Life Exploration Quest is now validated even if the player orbits around an outpost which is turned into a Colony, if the population slots are sufficient
    Riftborn Chapter 3, two of the rewards display a bonus which wasn’t correctly applied. Now, it is functional
    Lord of War United Empire population quest now has 2 new rewards, chosen among Technologies instead of Prestige points
    Sophons’ main quest Chapter 2 Military Version: Reward has been balanced to be more interesting
    In the event of failure, the Vodyani Population quest now explains why the quest has failed
    The Riftborn quest can no longer be resolved if another Empire attaches a Mothership to a system
    Rewards on the first chapter of the Riftborn main quest are more balanced
    Third choice of the Lumeris main quest Chapter 4’s alternative objective no longer uses only the first four strategic resources
    Chapter 1 Sophon Main Quest third choice now has a complete different reward, which decreases the Minor Faction Action Praise’s costs (or Bribe) by -30%

    Added warning message when exporting resources is supposed to overwrite files
    Resource export screen is disabled while an export is in progress
    Fixed empire improvements not being editable by mods
    Added compatibility between saves with and without non-gameplay mods
    It is now possible to mod the registry file

    Fixed DustInflation desyncs
    Fixed desync on hero experience
    Fixed desync on retrofit

    Optimized game session release. Launching several games in one session should not be a cause of crashes anymore
    The AI now uses advanced hulls better, and uses a wider variety of ship design modules
    Created the sandbox mode in the diplomacy behavior
    The AI now computes ship design for heroes
    The AI now changes its fleet composition depending on the situation
    The AI now chooses better support modules
    Improved the declaration of war against minor factions’ heuristic
    The AI now uses all the minor faction actions
    The AI is now aware of victory conditions and pursues them according to faction personality
    Added a mission to help an ally in defense
    The AI is now able to use militarist laws ‘lower fleet costs’ and ‘spoils of war’
    The AI is now able to understand flotilla ranges better in order to select an ideal play and create better decks
    The AI is now able to use complementary weapons and handle module levels in a better way
    Unfallen AIs are now able to root their allies
    Improved merge fleet behavior
    The AI now handles ground battle strategy better
    Fixed AI being able to interact with minors it doesn’t know
    Generally improved AI performances
    Fixed an issue where a fleet spawned by a quest did not move and the quest cannot be complete
    Fixed an issue where the Unfallen were sending a trespass mood message when you moved on a system you own they have rooted
    Diplomacy AI now reacts in a better way to the use of core cracker
    The AI now takes truce breaking and diplomatic demand abuse in consideration in term evaluations
    Fixed an issue where AI sends diplomatic messages to the users stating that they have sent gifts even though they have not
    Fixed AI trust being significantly lowered because they treated trespassing with exploration vessels as ‘military trespass’
    Fixed AI taking control of player actions if a multiplayer session is reloaded and player slots are changed
    The pacifist and benevolent AIs now don’t like to use planet destroyers
    There are now negative consequences for declaring war after a diplomatic demand has been accepted
    Fixed an issue where Unfallen fleets were asking for rooting at each decision resulting in a lot of warning and performance issues
    Fixed an issue where AI was not able to wake up to answer battles
    Vodyani AI now uses support modules on motherships in a better way
    Fixed an issue where an AI declined an Alliance despite requesting it
    Fixed an issue where AI was unable to retrieve a destroyed Singularity resulting in an error message
    Fixed an issue where Vodyani AI was trying to use the spaceport resulting in a lot of warnings
    The AI now takes already invested resources into consideration for contract cost computation
    Fixed an issue where the AI was trying to buy a Hero during the metaplot
    Fixed an issue in CostsSnapshot merge resulting in invalid cost and wrong decisions being taken by the AI
    Fixed an issue where diplomatic behavior cycles were not detected correctly resulting in behavior issues
    Fixed an issue where AI would infinitely try to propose a contract

    Fixed various issues where wrong diplomatic notifications would appear with unlocalized strings in it, for the wrong players
    Destroyed planets are now properly displayed as destroyed with the correct tooltip information in the galaxy view
    Ships can no longer be disbanded when around an outpost
    Simple encounter (AI on AI battles) now properly handles fleets with multiple heroes
    Fixed resource exports crashing the game when done too many times
    Fixed battle scan view no longer displaying ship health after loading mods
    Factions no longer sometimes reset if a player joins the lobby twice in a row
    If a hero is a Senator, the “next level” part of his senator skill is hidden in the Senate screen (on tooltip)
    Tooltips are no longer displayed during the loading screen if they’re visible while performing quick load
    The turn transition indicator is displayed when performing quick load
    Unfallen colonies successfully invaded by the Vodyani can no longer be instantly recolonized
    Fixed words bleeding through the tooltip for several modules
    Lumeris maximal population collection bonus is now "ignore trade route blockade even when at war"
    Fixed saves loading slowly because of very large amounts of unused AI ship designs
    The Lumeris quest "A matter of influence" can no longer be completed by Ship Bound custom factions without meeting the requirements
    Fixed ark modules effect not being applied immediately after retrofitting the ark
    A spaceport can now detect when its destination has been destroyed
    Fixed an issue where players cannot assign heroes as governors from the "Hero Management" screen
    Ancillary Academy is now functional
    Hope in Heresy part 2 can no longer be achieved by another empire than the Vodyani
    Made Bhagaba assimilation trait "Culturally Resistant" description more explicit
    Improved tooltip of Riftborn unique building
    Reviewed gains on Vox Populi & Steaming Fertilizer Tricks Hero Skills
    Minor Faction quest which requires to pass 3 laws no longer can be started if there are already 3 active laws
    Horatio Chapter 3 part 2 is now triggered properly
    Fixed the initial count of population for CustomFaction with AffinityGameplayVampirilis
    Fixed trait count for CustomFaction using AffinityGameplayCravers
    Prevented OverPopulation feedback from appearing on Outposts
    Users no longer remain stuck in the loading screen when starting sessions as custom factions with the Mutual understanding trait
    Fixed Anomaly reduction information showing false information for AffinityGameplayVampirilis
    Fixed quest colonization not working with custom factions with Unfallen gameplay
    Fixed sacrificing guardians with "Sacred Harvest" not removing the guardian global +5 approval bonus or extra pop slot information
    The "Sacred Harvest", "Feeding Pits" and "Endless Research Park and EndlessWorld" (Wonder1) duration value is now modified inside its tooltip based on the chosen game speed
    Minor faction praise is now canceled upon declaring war
    Changed migration minor action error "system is full" to "no valid system available"
    Fixed minor bribe lasting 4 turns instead of 5
    Fixed vines not being destroyed when the owner’s empire was eliminated
    Fixed the feedback when trying to reach an unreachable node with a fleet (advice for Free Move instead of Wormhole technology)
    Players no longer remain stuck during the end turn transition while viewing the invasion cinematic in multiplayer games
    Fixed the Relation bar not updating when the player used the Declare War and Cease Fire actions on a Minor Faction on the same turn
    Removed the Colonize button from appearing on a Destroyed planet label
    Fixed tooltip positions on New Game Screen
    Fixed simple encounter retreat not taking health into account
    Made Neighbors count clearer in Star System Management Scan View
    The loading save menu, the competitors panel and the loading screen image now properly reflect the faction chosen when picking randomly
    Fixed an issue where the "Destroy Planet" action displayed the same duration regardless of game speed
    User can no longer have both peaceful and aggressive alliance veto on an empire
    The last quest viewed is not selected when reopening the "quests and events" screen
    Moved the FIDSI values for Huge and Large planets inside the FIDSI sectors in Star system management scan view
    After system invasion, remaining attacker manpower is given back to orbiting fleets or attacker empire.
    Other empires’ hangar information is now properly hidden in all circumstances
    Made the In-game timer option modification more obvious (tooltip and label)
    Player no longer receive a false "Abduction Complete" notification if a Leecher is destroyed while leeching a system
    Capped the remaining turn until new population feedback to 99 (will display 99+). Improved the feedback of losing population in the side panel system population
    The planet population slots on the planet HUD are now properly updated with the upgrades made by the "Floating Superstructures" unlock
    Tooltip of systems under the entwine process no longer overlap the bottom of the screen
    Fixed an issue where the users which use different mods could still join MP sessions through steam invites
    When discovering a new Population Affinity, the associated Luxury used for population bonuses is automatically discovered if not known already
    Fixed an issue where the Negotiation screen continued to be displayed after a multiplayer session ends
    Fixed Technology Unlocked notification layout sometimes appearing broken the first time the notification was opened
    Fixed simple encounter resurrected hero ships not getting damaged
    Removed Politics Unlocked notification from Auto-popup menu
    Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in guardian curiosity tooltips inside the star system management screen
    Fixed the G2G feed in main screen so that the text will always be fully visible when the mouse is over the banner
    Fixed tooltip of faction droplist in new game screen for custom factions
    Improved the Wonder Constructible feedback in tooltips
    Added Total Upkeep label for selected law on Laws Management Modal Window
    Fixed a bug where players were able to join an eliminated empire in multiplayer
    Fixed Hero assignation to fleet when double clicking an invalid line; the invalid lines are now disabled
    Fixed the hero ship design statistics according to hero skills
    Portraits are now so they look okay in 4:3 faction selection
    Reduced the size of the net value in the Control banner and removed the decimal in some other cases.
    Fixed the Show quest markers button’s behaviour; the view now cycles through all the quest nodes if there are several
    Added tooltips on Faction cost/Population cost/Trait count in Custom faction panel
    "The living plague - Part 2" quest is no longer completed after a logistics ship reaches the system
    Fixed the population sectors being hidden in a 5 planets configuration
    Fixed attached arks not showing up properly
    The game is no longer stuck when an empire is eliminated while performing a ground invasion
    Added info on spaceport and population transit in the Star System List (No Empire Demographic screen is available)
    Planets can no longer be destroyed while the planet destroyer fleet is being attacked
    System buyout is now impossible when the cost is 0
    Improved system buyout tooltip
    Added info on reinforcement man power on the ground battle notifications (Users are now informed about the maximum manpower deployment limit for invasions)
    Simplified encounter retreat now properly applies the 60% HP damage
    The name of the hull class no longer gets cut off when switching between ship designs in the Ship Design screen
    Added check on empire elimination status in diplomacy
    Fixed dead AIs being able to do diplomacy
    Added cut off (word wrap) when there is a ‘-’ (hyphen) to prevent weird word wrap with fleet names, particularly in German
    Fixed hero ships being destroyed when a space battle retreat fails
    Fixed outpost migration not saying why it is halted
    Fixed the Population Collection Bonus selection when creating a custom faction from a standard faction
    Fleets no longer move automatically after canceling an auto explore action via GUI
    Fixed the inspect button in the marketplace
    Elements from the Empire (Target) Selection (when several empires can be fought in a system) are now properly displayed on higher resolutions
    Fixed "New laws" panel in elections screen
    Text is now properly displayed in the marketplace news feed
    Luxuries are now shown in the economy screen when they have been seen on a system
    Added assignment information in the Skill Tree Panel
    Fixed loading save after a UE-like custom faction turned into a Sheredyn or a Mezari faction.
    Prevented the StarSystem tooltip to be shown while hovering the Constellation label
    Made possible to realize a survey at any time in exchange for influence (added a button in the senate screen not available for Cravers)
    Fixed an issue where the custom factions lose all gameplay affinities after becoming Sheredyn or Mezari by completing UE Chapter 3: "No turning back"
    Hero ships / ship design upgrades: the ship upgrade cost is now hidden until anything has been modified in the ship
    Removing and re-equipping the same module should now consider the ship design to be the same, so no upgrade is needed
    A warning message is now displayed when a hero assignment will replace an already assigned hero.
    Probe placement mode / time singularity mode are now canceled if the user opens a screen on the control banner or the scan view or clicks the end of turn
    Removed a graphical corruption on the system level disk in the system view
    Fixed an issue where the ground battle notification "ready" button could bleed out of the window in some languages
    Fixed outpost counter and tooltip when playing Riftborn
    Added specific description in tooltip of ground battle action when invading an ark
    The Home System icon no longer overlaps with the "colonizable planets" icons when the home system tab has more than 4 lines
    Boosted populations now display their effect properly in population modal window and tooltips
    Added feedback on besiege & blockade effect so it says it removes all resource production
    Added info in side panel on why an outpost will not receive migration
    Fixed and increased influence costs to change battle tactics
    Added icon on the star system label if the system hosts the Marketplace
    Battle tactics card now have a comprehensive tooltip in the tech tree
    Fixed an issue where probe launching was still active when passing turns
    Fixed diplomatic scan view showing center of empires that aren’t known
    Destroyed arks tooltip now display the effects of arks on the system
    Created a specific message when the player can’t destroy a quest planet
    Added failure tooltip when the player tries to move a hangar
    Fixed non-boostable populations displaying info on desired resource (only for guardian and Riftborn)
    Added explicit failure description in construction tooltips when you cannot buyout a construction because it is turn based
    Added Alignment info on treaty tooltips in the diplomacy screens and panels
    Fixed multiplayer errors when players have different amount of palette colors with mods
    Fixed empire screen and system construction queue displaying different values for same construction
    Fixed error in hero inspection window when inspecting recruitable heroes
    Fixed stuck situation when quitting the game from the planet view (maximum zoom)
    Fixed tooltip of hero upkeep reduction skill
    Fixed hero upkeep minimum being negative infinite
    Major Factions are now able to control a constellation they don’t see entirely
    Fixed error when taking a system which has no population
    The user can no longer quick saves/load during the loading and viewing of a Battle
    Fixed Hero and HeroShip experience being desynchronized when ship levels up with a battle
    Fixed issues when quickloading during the KeyArt Loading Screen (BlackCurtainWindow) (displayed when quitting games or briefly before loading a game while in a game)
    Pending connections are now ignored when verifying the game state synchronization
    It is no longer possible to load a save when in load/save window, to avoid loading a save that’s being deleted
    The player is no longer automatically reassigned to the first slot when changing the session mode from multiplayer to singleplayer
    The player no longer stays stuck in the "Connecting to lobby" loading screen if the host exits the lobby
    The player is now assigned to their previously occupied lobby slot when re-joining
    The skippable assert is no longer generated when saving changes to a hero ship design from the Hero Overview screen
    Access to save files is now working with Avast Antivirus (file extension is now .sav instead of .zip)

    Frogsquadron [développeur] Il y a 2 heures
    Removed upkeep also for admirals on Transcendental Outlook skill
    Vodyani Ark now is worth 4 CP, not 8 CP
    Alternative quests can no longer be triggered several at a time
    Changed Tax change cost formula to be more expensive
    Changed effect of Nanohaze Defenses curiosity improvement as it was outdated with ground battle rebalance
    Reduced Cerebral Reality from 20 to 15 points
    Fixed "Autonomous Administration" being able to be built multiple times on a single system

    Authoritarian Leadership:
    Tier 1 reduced from +40% to +25% Maximum manpower on Fleet
    Tier 1 added +10% Siege damage
    Tier 2 reduced from +80% to +50% Maximum manpower on Fleet
    Tier 2 added +20% Siege damage
    Tunnelling Defense:
    Tier 1 reduced from 40% to 25% Ground Troop Health on System
    Tier 2 reduced from 80% to 50% Ground Troop Health on System
    Zero Tolerance:
    Tier 1 reduced from 2% to 1% Ground Troop Health per Pop on System
    Tier 2 reduced from 4% to 2% Ground Troop Health per Pop on System
    Papers Please:
    Switched from -50% cost on Hostile treaties to all Diplomatic treaties
    Transcendental Outlook:
    Switched from x0 upkeep on Governor to x0 upkeep on Admiral
    Added -10% upkeep on all Heroes
    Red Tape Scyther:
    Increased from -40% to -25% Assignment cooldown duration
    Dust Catalyzation:
    Tier 1 reduced from -20% to -25% Assignment cooldown duration
    Tier 1 switched from -20% upkeep on Hero to -25% upkeep on Governor
    Tier 2 reduced from -40% to -50% Assignment cooldown duration
    Tier 2 switched from -40% upkeep on Hero to -50% upkeep on Governor
    Post-Relativistic Targeting:
    Divided all tiers by 2 (from +10/+20/+40/+80% Damage on Fleet to +5/+10/+20/+40% Damage on Fleet)
    Blunt Force Trauma:
    Divided all tiers by 2 (from +20/+40% Projectile Damage on Fleet to +10/+20% Damage on Fleet)
    Burning Light:
    Divided all tiers by 2 (from +20/+40/+80% Energy weapon Damage on Fleet to +10/+20/+40% Energy weapon Damage on Fleet)
    Military Spine:
    Reworked tier progression (from +1/+2/+4/+8% Damage per current Command Point on Fleet to +0.5/+1/+1.5/+2% Damage per current Command Point on Fleet)
    Defensive AI Integration:
    Reworked tier progression (from +10/+20/+40/+80% Shield on Fleet to +5/+10/+25/+50% Shield on Fleet)
    Legendary Authority:
    Final tier: reduced from +8% to +2% Health per current Command Point on Fleet
    Startrekking Instruction:
    Tier 1: reduced from +2 to +1 Maximum Probe Stock on Hero Ship
    Tier 2: reduced from +4 to +2 Maximum Probe Stock on Hero Ship
    Celestial Mechanics:
    Starting tier: reduced from +2 to +1 Maximum Movement on Fleet
    Tier 1: reduced from +8 to +6 Maximum Movement on Fleet
    Horatic Curiosity:
    Tier 1: increased from +10% to +20% Vision Range on Fleet
    Prescient Guide:
    Tier 1: reduced from +4 to +1 Maximum Movement on Fleet
    Tier 1: reduced from +20% to +15% Shield on Fleet
    Tier 2: reduced from +8 to +2 Maximum Movement on Fleet
    Tier 2: reduced from +40% to +30% Shield on Fleet
    Deep Space Adaptation:
    Tier 1: reduced from +2 to +1 Maximum Probe Stock on Exploration Ships
    Tier 2: reduced from +4 to +2 Maximum Probe Stock on Exploration Ships
    Sensitive Systems:
    Tier 1: reduced from +8 to +4 Vision Range on Fleet
    Tier 2: reduced from +16 to +8 Vision Range on Fleet
    Fleet Black Market:
    All tiers: increased Probe Refill Rate on Exploration Ships to +50% for all tiers
    Tier 1: removed upkeep reduction on Fleet
    Battlefield Grandmaster:
    Reduced from +40% to +25% Damage on Fleet
    Reduced from +40% to +33% Shield on Fleet
    Righteousness of the Ordained:
    Reduced from +40% to +25% Health on Fleet
    The Joy Initiative:
    Added -20% Upkeep on System
    Renegade Master:
    Reduced from +8 to +5 Approval per NonMajor Pop on System
    Added +2 FIDSI per NonMajor Pop on System
    Vox Populi:
    Tier 1: reduced from +20% to +15% Industry on System
    Tier 2: reduced from +40% to +30% Industry on System
    Personal Networking:
    Tier 1: reduced from +4 to +3 Industry per Pop
    Tier 2: reduced from +8 to +6 Industry per Pop
    Mechanical Genius:
    Tier 1: reduced from +20 to +15 Industry on System
    Tier 2: reduced from +40 to +30 Industry on System
    Tech Hubs:
    Reduced from +80 to +50 Industry per Anomaly on System
    Titan of Industry:
    Reduced from +4% to +2% Industry per Hero Level on System
    Forced Labour:
    Divided industry gains on all tiers (from +10/+20/+40 to +5/+10/+20 Industry on System)
    Rousing Orator:
    Tier 1: reduced from +4 to +2 Influence per Pop
    Tier 1: added +2 Influence per Pop on Happy
    Tier 2: reduced from +8 to +4 Influence per Pop
    Tier 2: added a +4 Influence per Pop on Happy
    Public Relations Expert:
    Tier 1: reduced from +10% to +5% Influence on System
    Tier 2: reduced from +20% to +10% Influence on System
    Restricted Supplier:
    Increased from +20% to +33% Luxury Deposit Value on System
    Added +2 Industry per Pop on Ecstatic
    Tier 1: reduced from +40% to +30% Science on System
    Tier 2: reduced from +80% to +60% Science on System
    Blue Sky Speculator:
    Reduced science gains on all tiers (from +20/+40/+80 to +15/+30/+60 Science on System)
    Peer Review:
    Tier 2: reduced from +20 to +10 Science on System
    Reduced science gains on all tiers (from +1/+2/+4/+8 to +0/+2/+2/+4 Science per Hero Level on System)
    Clerical Corrections:
    Tier 2: reduced from +2 to +1 Deposit Value on Planets
    Tier 2: added +5 Approval per deposit on System
    Endless Consumption:
    Increased from +32% to +50% FIDSI on non-depleted Planets
    Infallible Authority:
    Starting tier: reduced from +1 to +0.5 FIDSI per Pop
    Reduced from +4 to +2 FIDSI per Pop
    Personal Militia:
    Tier 1: Reduced from +2 to +1 Influence per Pop
    Tier 2: Reduced from +4 to +2 Influence per Pop
    Slim Probe Model:
    Tier 1: reduced from +4 to +2 Maximum Probe Stock on Exploration Ships on Fleet
    Tier 2: reduced from +8 to +4 Maximum Probe Stock on Exploration Ships on Fleet
    Patchwork Defenses:
    Tier 1: reduced from +20 to +10% Health on Fleet
    Tier 2: reduced from +40 to +20% Health on Fleet
    Overclocked Scanners:
    Tier 1: reduced from +4 to +3 Vision Range
    Tier 1: reduced from +8 to +6 Vision Range

    Fixed the planet scan view which was not displayed properly
    Fixed ship path feedback
    Fixed game remaining stuck when using the Exit to desktop feature

    EDIT: the patch preview actually includes changes from the G2G Balance mod, listed here:

    - Fixed upkeep issues
    - Inverted unlock pace of Cnam Exam Act and Larger Hosts Bill
    - Super Tax Act: changed approval penalty from -30 to -20
    - Senator Bob Bill: penalty lowered from -4 Dust to -2 Dust
    - Trusted Broker: now the bonus increases each turn (by 2% up to 30%) giving incentive to keep the law active for a long time
    - Green Fertility Bill: added +2 Food per pop on planets with Anomaly
    - Power to the People Act and All Hands Dictum: now have an Horatio variant which counts assimilated population instead of population types
    - Racial Purity Act: added a flat Essence gain for Vodyani (+15 per System)
    - Us or Them Decree changes to +20 Approval per Home System on all the systems

    - Transvine now provide +2 Approval per pop when used for Leveling system
    - Removed the increase of Overcolonization threshold when reaching the Max level
    - Added a new improvement (temp name: Autonomous Administration) which increases the Overcolonization threshold by 1 in stage 4 of Empire Development
    - Costs 2240 Industry and 1000 Influence and only available on level 4 systems
    - Leveling Arks will provide a default +1 Approval per population (not properly shown in the mod)

    - Drone Networks now gives +15 Food / Industry
    - Cerebral Reality now gives + 20 Dust / Science
    - Moved the unlock of level 4 curiosity to stage 4
    - Increased Dust given by Galactic HQ from 25 to 40
    - Added +25 Dust on The Cathedral of the All Worldly Affairs
    - Replaced the default Dust module on Mothership with an Essence module
    - Alms for Essence now converts 50% of Dust and provides 25% of Dust into Essence

    That's it. That's the whole list!
    C'est pas faux !

  18. #4038

  19. #4039
    Waouh !! Bon week-end les gars d'Amplitude. Vraiment impressionnant le changelog....
    Je peux faire chauffer la carte bleue ???

  20. #4040
    "Fake it until you make it... And you will fake it a long long time..." Avatar de the_wamburger
    Pas où, mais Caen
    Citation Envoyé par Kaelis Voir le message
    Je pense qu'il a mieux à faire, 'voulez pas lui lâcher la grappe ?

    Très occupé depuis quelques semaines avec des gros projets (la Gamescom bientôt, la PGW à l'horizon, d'autres events internes), ainsi que la communication et le travail autour du preview patch sorti hier. Comme l'a montré Tenebris, on continue à communiquer, mais j'ai moins le temps de passer sur ce topac pour relayer les infos, surtout que vous le faites très bien vous-mêmes.

    Si vous avez des questions en particulier, je vous écoute.

    Pour le canard qui disait "oui blâmer le moteur c'est pas bien", le plus gros souci niveau save venait d'une dll contenue dans la dernière version d'Unity, qui a pété des trucs dans le jeu et qu'on ne pouvait du coup pas régler sans leur aide. Ça a pris beaucoup de temps entre autres pour les tests sus-mentionnés, et puis l'été n'a pas aidé non plus à accélérer les choses : y'a ceux qui partent en vacances, et ceux qui restent et qui chopent des rhumes à cause de la météo absurde.
    Citation Envoyé par Ckao Voir le message
    Le chômage c'est relatif, suffit d'arriver avant les autres à l'usine.
    Taulier chez Keen.

  21. #4041
    Et.. le problème est donc résolu ?

  22. #4042
    "Fake it until you make it... And you will fake it a long long time..." Avatar de the_wamburger
    Pas où, mais Caen
    S'il est dans les 11 pages de patch notes, normalement c'est bon.
    Citation Envoyé par Ckao Voir le message
    Le chômage c'est relatif, suffit d'arriver avant les autres à l'usine.
    Taulier chez Keen.

  23. #4043
    Moi j'ai une petite question annexe !

    Quand vous arriverez dans la phase de peaufinage est ce que vous avez prévu de modifier l'économie pour qu'elle soit plus technique / punitive ?
    Ou de mettre une option qui permette au joueur de choisir entre économie facile ou tu peux te permettre comme actuellement de construire batiments et vaisseaux sans te soucier de tes finances, et une option économie difficile où tu dois être plus rigoureux à ce niveau ?

  24. #4044
    On aurait la date du déploiement officiel de ce patch ?

  25. #4045
    Citation Envoyé par the_wamburger Voir le message
    S'il est dans les 11 pages de patch notes, normalement c'est bon.
    Bah justement je vois pas...

  26. #4046
    "Fake it until you make it... And you will fake it a long long time..." Avatar de the_wamburger
    Pas où, mais Caen
    Citation Envoyé par iHateWin Voir le message
    Moi j'ai une petite question annexe !

    Quand vous arriverez dans la phase de peaufinage est ce que vous avez prévu de modifier l'économie pour qu'elle soit plus technique / punitive ?
    Ou de mettre une option qui permette au joueur de choisir entre économie facile ou tu peux te permettre comme actuellement de construire batiments et vaisseaux sans te soucier de tes finances, et une option économie difficile où tu dois être plus rigoureux à ce niveau ?
    L'économie va être retravaillée, mais on est à fond sur les fighters bombers là, donc c'est pas pour de suite. Je ne pourrais pas vraiment t'en dire plus sur l'intention.

    Citation Envoyé par Bobby Voir le message
    On aurait la date du déploiement officiel de ce patch ?
    S'il prend pas feu au soleil, la semaine prochaine sans doute.

    Citation Envoyé par Cedski Voir le message
    Bah justement je vois pas...
    À quel problème faisais-tu référence exactement ?
    Citation Envoyé par Ckao Voir le message
    Le chômage c'est relatif, suffit d'arriver avant les autres à l'usine.
    Taulier chez Keen.

  27. #4047
    Super tant que je sais que l'économie est dans les cartons ca me va

    Je pense qu'il faisait référence au célèbre problème de save.

  28. #4048
    "Fake it until you make it... And you will fake it a long long time..." Avatar de the_wamburger
    Pas où, mais Caen
    Et donc oui.
    Citation Envoyé par Ckao Voir le message
    Le chômage c'est relatif, suffit d'arriver avant les autres à l'usine.
    Taulier chez Keen.

  29. #4049
    Et donc merci.

    En fait je l'ai vu dans l'intro du patch sur steam.

    Du coup je vais passer à la caisse.

  30. #4050
    Tu as bien raison. Plus j'y joue, plus je trouve décidément que c'est le meilleur 4x spatial jamais sorti. Pourtant je n'ai pas trop accroché aux précédents endless...

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